The cure for the evils of democracy
is more democracy!
H. L. Mencken, Notes on Democracy,
end of the year is at hand, and as such the lists of best and worsts as well as
summations of the year past have begun filtering out through the media hacks
serving the political class.
Madison Conservative sees no reason not to jump on such a trivial trend, though
with a twist.
advance of the Presidents’ State of the Union message to be delivered in
mid-January, we would opt to follow in the tradition of Thomas Jefferson and
simply put it into print and leave it to that.
State of te Union
is, as perceived by the Madison Conservative, excellent.
administration has lied to the American people over such issues as the
slaughter of four Americans in Benghazi,
the IRS targeting conservative groups looking for tax-exempt status, and about the
underlying reasons for the actions taken by the NSA in its surveillance of the
American people.
Affordable Care Act – ObamaCare – was the root of the honor bestowed upon
President Obama by PolitiFact as holder of the title “Lie of The Year” for the
whopper about “If you like your plan you can keep your plan. Period”.
President has boldly discarded the Constitution for politically petty expediency
by unilaterally changing the Affordable Care Act on his whim when the reality
of the disaster of the law confronts a favored political group; and why not
since he does so with absolutely no one calling him on it.
administration touts the unemployment rate falling to 7% without explaining
that the reason it has dropped is that so many Americans have dropped out of
the workforce for lack of work. In Washington logic, if someone has given up
looking for work, they are no longer part of the unemployed.
status of America abroad is
in tatters; with our sovereignty in question and lacking focus because the President
has not the force of will to keep America strong. He does however
possess the qualities necessary to take so called “selfies” with the British
Prime Minister while attending the services for Nelson Mandela. As an aside,
can anyone picture Ronald Reagan and Maggie Thatcher acting so irresponsibly
while the eyes of the world were upon them?
society is currently under assault by the politically correct police who are
running amok – threatening lawsuits over cemetery crosses, suspending 6 year
olds for kissing a fellow students hand and branding him a sexual predator, and
a Texas judge sentencing a 16 year who drunkenly killed 4 people to only probation,
agreeing with the defense of ‘affluenza’.
with our standing in the world in shards, our current economic climate bleak,
and the idiots running the asylum on social issues, one might question the
aforementioned statement that the Madison Conservative believes that the State
of the Union is excellent.
assessment is based upon two absolute truths.
none of what this administration has dome has changed the august document of
governing brilliance tha is the United
States Constitution. True, they have acted unconstitutionally,
but everything they do to damage this nation can be undone by any subsequent
administration that has a respect for the Constitution.
founders and framers anticipated this type of imbecilic governance, and thus
built in protections within the Constitution.
Second, and most importantly, this nation is
still a nation of the people, for the people, and by the people. Our history
has shown that any time the nation veers too far one way or the other, the electorate
gets it right and balances the political power to a more functional level.
long as this nation retains the foundation of the founders principles, the
State of the Union will forever be strong.
Christmas, Happy New Year and we will return early in 2014.