Sunday, April 24, 2022



The cure for the evils of democracy is more democracy!


H. L. Mencken, Notes on Democracy, 1926



The political class, for the most part, and the mass media, also for the most part, are amongst the ineptest and intellectually challenged members of American society. Their single-minded focus on achieving and maintaining power is anathema to the American spirit, not to mention wildly unconstitutional.  

The Madison Conservative understands that we are not trailblazing any new horizons with that statement.

We are concerned with the dangerous use of language that the aforementioned individuals spew with no real understanding of what they are actually saying.

To wit:

Having worn out the terms of ‘racist’, sexist’ ‘transphobic’ and ‘Nazi’, the newest attempt to smear anyone who does not follow leftist ideology is to label them as a ‘traitor’, or being ‘treasonous.’

Treason is the crime specifically noted in the Constitution that upon a finding of guilt can carry with it the penalty of death. The January 6th commission is not permitted to question Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, to whom the security of the Capitol is entrusted. That does not prohibit them from declaring however that they have ‘smoking gun’ evidence that President Trump is guilty of treason. One wonders what method of execution they might consider. Naturally, such a charge would have to be proven, but that uncomfortable reality does not preclude the mantra that “Trump is a Traitor!”

As an aside, which American president demonstrated cowardice in the face of the enemy and abandoned American citizens behind enemy lines? That strikes us as a more significant issue to address.

We neither support nor discard fellow citizens like Tucker Carlson of Fox News, or former congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard. The political left and their sycophantic media stenographers however have labeled both as traitors.

We have had the Madison Conservative research team scour through their public, televised comments.

All they have asked is what is the national interest in engaging with Ukraine against Russia and Putin.

When and where the topic is war, it is the obligation of the citizenry to question the actions of those in authority. In fact, doing so is the definition  of American democracy, for the voices of the governed to rise up and demand answers.

Carlson and Gabbard, are in fact, and in the highest traditions, American patriots. Agree or disagree with them, when is the act of asking questions an act that carries the penalty of death?

This weekend – 4/24/22/- Senator Elizabeth Warren issued  a proclamation that House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy was ‘a liar and a traitor’ for his involvement with President Trump and the January 6th protests. (it was NOT an insurrection).

Senator Warren calling another politician a liar  is delightfully ridiculous on its own. She has, like every other member of the Democratic party, failed to explain why Rep. McCarthy needs to be put to death.

The Madison Conservative, like most every other person in this country, can easily provide politicians with other language instead of using ‘traitor’, or ‘treason’.

For ourselves, we prefer to label the elected class as mostly scoundrels. We believe it conveys our disgust and disdain without the need to build gallows on the national mall.






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