Sunday, February 23, 2025

Reality Check - ( A Quick Hits Commentary)


The cure for the evils of democracy is more democracy!

H. L. Mencken, Notes on Democracy, 1926


(welcome to the premier “Quick Hits” commentary previously announced)


Well that was quick. The political left had no sooner taken a heartbeat break from vilifying President Trump than they discovered their newest Nazi target – Elon Musk.


There is noPurpose in arguing that point because hateful idiots cannot be reasoned with.


For the ignorant amongst us, lets look at the Elon issue from a dispassionate view.


To wit:


The left decries he is unelected and thus should have no power or authority.


Spoiler alert – he doesn’t.


A quick examination of the Constitution points out that the President and Vice President are the ONLY people who are elected in the EXECUTIVE branch of government. Elon is NOT making policy. The President appoints EVERYBODY  else.


Elon is doing NOTHING other than conducting an AUDIT of the governments books, nothing other than what every company does.


We find it amusing that nobody on the political left or their sycophantic media are supporting trans operas in Africa, but rather choose to focus on their talking point that Elon has no right to announce it to the world..


The left would be well advised to read the Constitution and read how ALL budgetary issues MUST begin in the House. In other words, those folks budgeted for all the waste Musk is uncovering. They appropriated it, Elon is merely shining a light on it. For that simple act The left must destroy the man.


Musk is doing nothing more than would any other patriot.


It’s that simple.




Saturday, February 8, 2025

A Madison Conservative Update


The cure for the evils of democracy is more democracy!

H. L. Mencken, Notes on Democracy, 1926


The Madison Conservative was born of necessity. Amid the blather and noise of politics, there seemed to be no cogent debate supporting the Constitutional framework within those debates. During the Biden administration, we had a multitude of topics to write about because Joe Biden was as unconstitutional a president as this nation has ever had to endure.


As we began considering the new Trump administration, we reviewed our columns from TRUMP I. We discovered a dearth of constitutional topics. Trump was never dull, but he fully respected the Constitution.


So we are going to try something different. We will be adding regular “COMMENTARIES” to our platform. Preserving, protecting  and defending the Constitution will remain our mandate, but if the first weeks of TRUMP II are any indication, there will be a lot of material coming our way.


Check back often. You never know what might strike our fancy.