Sunday, January 16, 2011

Follow the Campaign Money Trail

The one common lament amongst our elected officials is their hue and cry of the need to spend so much time fundraising for their campaigns, which they claim draws them away from their truly  important work of the peoples business. They create, (and then immediately circumvent) arcane and pointless rules and regulations collectively known as ‘campaign finance reform’, despairing that their search for employment must, of necessity and ‘transparency’ ultimately be publicly funded by the very people who bestow upon them the sacred honor of public service. There is of course a more principled response to this issue, and one that mandates the direct involvement by the American people, in order to restore the honor and integrity of the democratic republic. The recent Supreme Court ruling that established entities  to have unfettered access to election financing was based upon their reading of the Constitution, and so to properly resolve this issue, the rare but crucially necessary act of amending the Constitution must be undertaken at the state level, as it is improbable and implausible to believe that the Congress will act on itself in this matter. The constitutional amendment needs to be succinctly and specifically worded. It should address the issue is this manner: only those individuals who can enter a voting booth and cast a legal ballot shall be allowed to contribute any amount of their personal wealth as they may choose to the candidate, political party, and cause of their choice. Such allocation of monies may only be disseminated to candidates who are on the donors’ specific district ballot. This wording will insure that the individual may only donate to their specific state assemblyman, United States congressman and senator. It will forbid unions, pacs, lobbyists and their ilk from controlling the agenda by the sheer volume of cash they donate. It will allow people to fund  but one national election- the presidential election. It removes all the stress from our officials to fundraise in all areas of the country, and will force them to stay connected to their own constituents.

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