Sunday, May 29, 2011

Memorial Day 2011

“In order to form a more perfect union…”

Memorial Day falls during this week and as such a much needed refresher on this holiday should perhaps be the order of the day.

Memorial Day is the moment in time in which we pause to honor those who have fallen in battle in defense of this nation and its people. There is no way to properly thank these true American heroes, so we choose to honor their memories on this day. We should never attempt to diminish their sacrifice or ever forget their ultimate sacrifice made on our behalf. Their families and friends have an empty chair at the family dinner table this holiday because a solider did not feel their service insignificant and we as a nation must stand up and acknowledge that. Once we forget the true meaning of this date we diminish ourselves as a people, as a society.

Yet, sadly, this is what has been occurring for these past forty years.

The National Holiday Act of 1971 took this day of solemnity and assigned it to a permanent Monday occurrence to insure a holiday three day weekend. It has now become what is called the ‘official start of the summer season’. Memorial Day may mean different things to different people, but it should never be heralded as an ‘official’ seasonal start. We must not allow it to be afforded such disrespect.

The American populace as a whole understands the somberness of this holiday, but we have also collectively allowed ourselves to diminish its significance by moving the traditional May 30 observance to a date more ‘convenient’. Those who willingly gave up their lives in defense of democracy and freedom did not do so at a date that suited their holiday schedule.

Would we consider moving the Fourth of July to a Monday for extended weekend expediency? Is September 11th destined to be moved to a more schedule conducive date?

There should be absolutes in this country relative to those in uniform, who, in what is now an all voluntary military, accept the responsibilities of defending this nation because of their belief that a free nation can only remain so if defended from all enemies. There exists a special compact between Americans and her military. What does it say if we alter that compact for nothing more than an extended weekend of barbeque?

Memorial Day should be restored to its rightful date of May 30, any ridiculous claims of calendar inequities be damned.

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