Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Buck Stops With Congress.

“..and secure the blessings of Liberty…”

The nonsense and ignorance continues in Washington D.C. amongst the political class and their commentator flacks in all form of media as the budget issues continue to escalate. There seems to be a propensity towards outright stupidity in the absence of true leadership and honest statesmanship. The honest debate, once the proud hallmark of American democracy and self-rule is being replaced by an appalling and shrill shrieking lack of knowledge.

It is becoming embarrassing to those who respect the document upon which this nation was constructed; the United States Constitution.

The latest salvos in the ongoing fiscal war are being fired as our elected officials worry more about keeping their positions of (temporary) authority and (granted by the electorate) power and less about the short term and long term financial health of our nation.

Sadly, many commentators of both political extremes are doing their part to help obfuscate and cloud the real issues and are growing successful in their attempts to drown out the rational and reasoned arguments being brought forth to address an issue, that if left unchecked, will plunge this nation into financial chaos..

They blather on about ‘constitutional crises’ over the budget and with their most desperate vocal tones worry aloud on the presidents’ authority to address these monetary issues by executive fiat. These proposals are floated by the wily sycophants of both major political parties and the American electorate should be outraged.

The constitutional language is precise and wholly unambiguous on these matters, so the language of ‘constitutional crisis’ begs the question – have those in elected office ever read our founding document, or at least even perused the section that relates to their official governmental offices? A ‘crisis’ would ensue if there was no constitutional authority bestowed upon any branch of government to deal with a given situation. That may happen one day, but it does not exist for this situation.

Article two of the United States Constitution clearly spells out the duties and responsibilities of the chief executive. It does not mention, in any form, the power or responsibility to be directly involved in any budgetary framing issue.

The founders constructed this nation that way for a reason. They did not want one person to hold that much power and authority within their newly formed government. The Constitution does, however, state the following within Article One, Section 8:

“The Congress shall have the power to lay and collect taxes…”
“The Congress shall have the power to borrow money on the credit of the United States…”
“The Congress shall have the power to coin money, regulate the value thereof…”

Therein lays the power and the responsibility for the financial health of the nation. There is no doubt as to the interpretation of the founders on this point. There may some doubt within the cowardly heart of many a politician, but the Constitution is clear where lies the responsibility for maintaining the fiduciary integrity of the United States of America.

As a body, Congress has failed miserably, and their oath of office requires that they protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

It appears they have collectively failed in their jobs.

They must be held accountable and the electorate must demand that they stop attempting to place blame and shirk their constitutional mandate.

If the people do not, this nation will indeed perish from the face of the Earth.

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