Sunday, October 30, 2011


The fundamental rights guaranteed under the United States Constitution are under assault and the electorate at large is aiding and abetting that fact by a woeful lack of understanding on what their rights truly are. The Constitution was written and enacted to limit the power of the government and to guarantee the citizens the right to free expression, be it by speech or publication.

In the name of ignorance and fear, those precious rights are being surrendered under the guise of tolerance.

The terms ‘hate crime’ and ‘hate speech’ have become part of the accepted lexicon of the self described but self delusional ‘enlightened’ political class. The support of these terms is in fact nothing more than ignorance run amok and the American people must stand firm against this sacrificing of their rights.

Consider exactly what has happened under the guise of ‘hate speech’ and ‘hate crime’.

“Hate speech’ is currently the accepted vernacular to dismiss unpopular points of view. If a citizen of any status takes an unpopular position on a political class and accompanying media flacks sacred cow, they are not debated on the merits; they are labeled as purveyors of hate speech. This is nothing more than intimidation and low level thuggery. It exposes the lack of intellectual heft by those who choose to inject fear and hatred into the discourse of the body politic. Hate by definition goes to an internal mental process; labeling speech as hate goes to the arrogance of declaring that ones knows the working of another’s mind. It also signals to those who would defend the minority opinion from doing so, lest they find themselves tarred and feathered by ignorance. Free speech is a basic tenet of American democracy and in the name of political correctness it is being sacrificed on the altar of ignorance. The question begs to be asked; how soon until there is no longer any dissent in the national discourse, lest it be deemed to be hate speech. The arena of ideas is indeed a fierce competition, but it must be fought amongst equals, not the lions against the Christians.

The even more alarming precedent being set is that of ‘hate crime’. The act itself is apparently not enough to warrant sufficient punishment; the government has now decided that if it can show ones mental intent, there will be additional punishment levied.

In short, thought itself is sufficient grounds for additional punishment. The narrow minded and ignorant amongst the electorate feel that there is some manner of justice is labeling crimes as “hate’ crimes.

Is there such a thing as a loving or friendly crime? We should look instead to increasing the punishments for crime and remove the governmental thought police from being involved in the prosecutorial process. How soon will it be until those in authority will add “hate” to any legal infraction solely in order to breed fear amongst the population?

This is not mere rhetoric; every tyrannical government in history has sowed its seeds of gaining power by first creating fear of prosecution against some manner of societal undesirable.

The American people must thwart this attempt of circumventing the Constitution for short term political correctness. The framers and the founders entrusted us with the responsibility of defending our freedoms; we must not betray that trust, or surely our ancestors and our posterity will never forgive our collective cowardice.

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