Sunday, November 27, 2011

The "System" & the 536

In the aftermath of the public folly that was the ‘super-committee’ it was perhaps milliseconds after that committee publicly announced their failure that the politicians entrusted with the fiscal health of the nation and their accompanying media flacks began their partisan assaults on the reasons for the collapse of the process.

There was little if any talk relative to the fact that the entire concept of the ‘super-committee’ was unconstitutional and thus had it indeed processed any viable options, the next game would be to assault it within the judicial arm of the government.

There was little discussion that the men and women elected to the highest offices in the land, a sum total of 536 elected representatives of the people – (435 members of the house, 100 members of the senate and the president) – could not apply themselves to solving the problem, but rather engage in partisan sniping whose sole effect seemed to reassure their position within their elective base.

Dismissing all this nonsensical ranting amidst political cowardice and ineptitude bordering on the truly stupid, what should alarm the American people is what was represented as the underlying problem at hand by the aforementioned politicians and media:

Their claim was that ‘the system’ – or in other words American democratic self-rule- was ‘broken’, and ‘no longer was working’.
Forgoing the absolute ignorance and insult of that claim, the American people should be fearful when the 536 most powerful people in our government begin making this type of obtuse case in order to hide their massive level of incompetence.

The aforementioned ‘system’ is governed by a single document; the United States Constitution. The question thus begs to be asked and answered:

Is it their stance that the Constitution has failed to provide the structure of successful government, and are they then proposing to amend, alter or outright discard that august document in order to make the act of governing less about making the hard choices within a strict set of guidelines and more about their personal beatification amongst a narrow swath of the electorate?

Democratic self rule is all about making the hard choices; there is more than sufficient blame to pass around as to make blame an irrelevant point at this juncture.

It is inconceivable that 536 people believe the American populace unable to withstand the results of fair and honest choices made for the well being of the nation as a whole.

The American people havewithstood the stresses of a Civil War, a war that pitted brother against brother. This nation made the monumental personal sacrifices needed in order to defeat the evil that was at the heart of World War II.

These battles were fought and won within the rigid structure and guidance of the United States Constitution. During those tough times there was never a populist movement decrying that the Constitution, the ‘system’ was broken, flawed or otherwise unequal to the tasks at hand.

The fault and the flaws are with this crop of elected officials.

The American electorate can and must fix this.

They only need to research the issues and vote accordingly.

Such acts will show the 536 that the system is working just fine; they, however, are not and have just been replaced, according to the workings of the system

Let freedom ring.

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