Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Primary Season Lie

(ed. Note : the political parties at the heart of this discussion have purposely been given lower case denotations; they have abdicated their right to proper punctuational  designation)

There can be few acts more nefarious to American democracy than those perpetrated by a select few upon the American electorate under the guise of protecting the freedom of the press and the sacred right to vote.

Honest political debate and people of good will having opposing views upon how to lead America into the future are nothing more than the signs of a vibrant and healthy democracy flourishing  under the ideals set forth by the founders and the framers of the United States Constitution. The current assault on our freedom is being executed on the American people by the full spectrum of the body politic and their ignorant media flacks who blather on about issues for which they are ill equipped to discuss with any modicum of intelligence.

This is not a tirade on the mass media outlets, but rather a warning for vigilance on the part of the American people to protect and preserve their birthright of freedom.

The current mythology being presented by many of our elected officials and media pundits is that this is the ‘primary’ season, where the major political entities meander and wander through an arcane and intellectually dishonest practice of determining their respective nominees for the presidency of the United States.

The entire process is a charade and an insult to democratic principles for which untold millions have sacrificed their lives to protect.

To wit:

It may come as a surprise too both democrats and republicans alike, but they are NOT government. They are private enterprises who have lied their way into the halls of power by an electorate who have been too busy earning their daily wage ( to be first confiscated arbitrarily by the taxman) , raising their families and pursuing the American dream to notice the theft of their democracy.

The republican and democratic parties have created the entire primary series of shenanigans out of whole cloth. They are free to select their slate of nominees in any method they choose, but they must avoid the subterfuge of presenting the process as being open and honest. Many states, under the guidance of the respective parties, have registration restrictions to vote in a primary; republicans cannot vote in democratic primaries and vice versa. In a ridiculous attempt to present a more ‘open’ and free process, some states allow for open primaries, allowing any registered voter to vote in either or both primary. The ability for political mischief in the name of political sport is a disgrace to those who fell at Gettysburg, the beaches of Normandy, and anywhere Americans gave their lives in defense of liberty.

The mass media who present these side shows as integral to democracy are either intellectual light weights or outright stupid; in either case, they are harming American self-rule in more ways than one.

The American people should, en masse, ignore all the caucuses, primaries and any variation to demonstrate their solidarity against the assault on their freedom.

Our ancestors, ourselves and our posterity deserve no less.

American self-rule is not sport. It is the realization of the history of man to live in freedom.

The nonsense of primaries, caucuses and straw polls must be kept in the pantheon of the ridiculous and not allowed to further infect the body politic.

The only election that should be allowed media coverage in the context of national significance is the quadrennial one delineated in the Constitution.

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