Sunday, May 13, 2012

A Change in Purpose

Throughout its short existence, The Madison Conservative has endeavored to bring a clarifying voice to the public discourse by attempting to provide a more constitutionally based perspective on issues of consequence to the long term prospects for America. We have avoided delving deep into the minutiae of what could be best described as passing fads of the body politic.

The depth of ignorance and outright stupidity exemplified by the full spectrum of our elected officials and their accompanying media flacks has been particularly outrageous this week, and so The Madison Conservative has opted to now use this blog, through the presidential election in November, to present a platform of policies we believe will address the fundamental issues facing this nation and her posterity. This decision was not arrived at easily, but the lack of intelligent discourse mandates that a constitutional voice be heard.

We will avoid those issues that fall under the generic umbrella of ‘social issues’.

The reasons are two-fold.

First, such social issues are best debated and resolved at a more local level and as such should never fall under the auspices of the federal government. The founders and the framers limited the power of the federal government for a reason; please note the tenth amendment to the United States Constitution.

Second, most of the ‘social issues’ more often than not are associated with the aforementioned ‘political fads’ and do not need any manner of intelligent clarification. Participants of all political stripes will raise a hue and cry on such issues, hoping to do little more than deflect attention from the true national concerns.

To wit:

The road show carnival that was the obsession of the media this week is a perfect example of a ‘political fad’ that should return the discourse back to within each given state.

President Obama this week stated it was his PERSONAL opinion that gay folks should be allowed to marry. Given that this is not a dictatorship, the personal opinions of a president upon public policy amount to nothing. There was absolutely no change in regards to same sex marriage anywhere in this nation given the presidents’ remarks.

The media labeled his comments as ‘historic’ and ‘enlightened’, given that he had ‘evolved’ on the subject.

This is not a serious dialogue. There was not one explanation of what exactly ‘evolved’ meant. The use and acceptance by the public at large of insipid language is an ever increasing threat to the body politic.

The media, of all political persuasions, heralded that the polling showed that an overwhelming majority of the American people, more than 60% we were told, agreed with the President’s opinion.

The fact, however, is that thirty two of the fifty states have had ballot initiatives offering their populace the right to vote on the issue of same-sex marriage. Simple math shows then that 64 percent of the nation has voted AGAINST same sex marriage.

{ N.B. – the issue of same-sex marriage is of great concern for public policy, but it must be debated at the state level – for that reason we will not discuss it here, save for the instance it becomes a national question}

Or in clearer terms, every time the issue has been put on a ballot for the electorate to decide the issue for their respective states, it has met with defeat.

So when the American people have had a voice on the subject, ONE HUNDRED percent of the time the issue has been refuted by the ‘unenlightened’ and apparently ‘un- evolved’ electorate.

The reality that these facts have not been clearly presented is the true impetus for the Madison Conservative to decide to present its platform, with firm constitutional rationale and reasoning behind the decisions made for the construct of the platform.

This nation has always worked best when there has been a chorus of intelligent dialogue, and the Madison Conservative will strive to be a strong voice within that choir.

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