Sunday, October 7, 2012

The Debate Aftermath

There has been much written and discussed in the aftermath of the presidential debate this past week.

Political and media hacks have attempted to score it, to dissect it as if it were merely a sporting event of little consequence.

Idiocy has abounded but little in the way of intelligent discourse has been offered in the wake of the debate.

Social media outlets have let fly the most outrageous claims and comments about their perceived winner or loser. Explanations have been offered as to the reasons behind each candidate’s performance, but little has been presented to provide the needed context of the debate. The scurrilous attacks and libelous comments have done little to shine a light on the real issues facing this nation, and the mass media is the greatest offender of all.

It seems that most of the blogs, comments on such outlets such as Facebook, and network programs have all missed the most critical, the most salient point and the accompanying hypocrisy should make all Americans cringe with embarrassment.

To wit:

One of these men, Barack Obama or Mitt Romney, will be President of the United States on January 20th, 2013.

He will be the leader of the freest nation the world has ever seen.

He will be the voice of democracy around the planet.

He will be the leader of ALL Americans.

He will have assumed his responsibilities without a single bullet having been fired.

He will face what we are told is a divided nation, a country with financial issues that are quickly spiraling out of control.

This nation was built on the freedom of speech and the right to criticize its leaders, to demand that they answer to the people and govern only by the consent of the governed.

On one hand the mass media decries the partisanship of Washington and attempt to imply that the ‘system’ is broken and then with the other hand present the opinion that the President is but a socialist and Mr. Romney a felon and a liar.

The stench of hypocrisy is almost too much to bear.

This is America, a nation built upon the premise that it is continually in pursuit of a more perfect union, a land where all men are created equal, and that it is a nation of the people, by the people, and for the people.

Is it now a nation of hate spewing intolerant imbeciles?

Of course not.

The American people are fair, honest and forgiving. America has always been drawn together in times of strife, struggle and hardship.

The man standing on the Capitol steps taking the oath of office at noon on January 20th will need the full support of the people.

America may have to tolerate the ignorance of free speech, but it need not be accepted as advocacy.

The Madison Conservative, by definition, does not embrace the liberal philosophy. That being said, it must also be remembered that the last time an entire nation was presented as being in unison, it was Germany in the 1930’s.

That really did not work out well.

So, if one feels antipathy to a candidate, or religious fervor for one, it must never be forgotten that those who came before gave their all so that this nation might remain free.

Please consider that before you post to Facebook that your candidate is so much better than that human disgrace running against him.

And let the debates continue.

That is America.

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