Sunday, November 4, 2012

That's a Wrap - (for now)

This Tuesday will bring to an end the folly and the foibles of the 2012 presidential election campaign.

The political pundits, pollsters, hucksters and slobbering media flack sycophants will be silenced by the American electorate. The citizenry will no longer be hounded by an endless series of intrusive robo-calls and assaulted by a non-stop parade of advertisements heralding what a disciple of Satan is the other candidate.

The mass media liars will be forced to confront the results of the American voter, whatever that result may be.

The reality is this – whoever is in office on January 21st, he will face a divided nation with serious financial issues that must be resolved.

It makes one wonder why any sane individual would pursue the office.

The Madison Conservative has indulged its first amendment right to speak freely and openly on the course of the campaign and the constitutional missteps of the current administration and its opponents.

The time between Election Day and Inauguration Day will be full of blather and bluster from all points on the political compass, those looking to place blame for a loss, those attempting to convey some manner of a mandate in victory.

Those voices are not of serious individuals or organizations. Those voices are merely the worst infected organs of the body politic. Some may argue that such entities are a necessary evil of the public discourse, but that argument is being made by the proponents of political idiocy and cowardice and thus should not be taken seriously.

The Madison Conservative will follow its own rhetoric and take a hiatus from posting during the time between Election Day and Inauguration Day. There will be a myriad of lame duck issues and proposed and debated legislation.

These will be the acts of political cowards and electoral charlatans.

The Madison Conservative will not comment on such actions.

We will return during the week of the Inauguration to continue our quest to inform on public policy debates and to preserve the founding principles of the framers of the greatest governing document in the history of man – the United States Constitution- in the midst of those national discussions.

Please remember to vote, and may God Bless America!

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