Sunday, June 16, 2013

Incompetence Reigns... June 16th, 2013

The cure for the evils of democracy is more democracy!
H. L. Mencken, Notes on Democracy, 1926

It has been noted by many that in certain instances, a minimal amount of information provides the greatest total sum of insight into a situation.

It is with that perspective that the Madison Conservative offers the following snippet of the interaction this past Thursday at a congressional hearing with testimony, under oath, offered by the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

The issues at the time were the details of the IRS investigation into the tax agency’s targeting of Tea Party and conservative groups.

The President and Attorney General had all proffered assurances that the FBI would doggedly pursue the issue, so that ‘those responsible will be held to account for their actions’.

The FBI after all is the investigative arm of the government, and with images of Eliot Ness & the Untouchables planted firmly into the national psyche, surely the nation can rest assured of quality professionalism from such an august institution.

However, Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, seemed to rattle FBI Director Robert Mueller for not knowing the specifics surrounding the IRS probe.

The following transcription is courtesy of the Associated Press:

“You’ve had a month now to investigate,” Jordan said. “This has been the biggest story in the country and you can’t even tell me who the lead investigator is. You can’t tell me the actions the inspector general took which are not typically how investigations are done. You can’t tell me if that’s appropriate or not. This is not speculation. This is what happened.”
Mueller repeatedly declined to answer Jordan’s questions, saying he couldn’t because the investigation was ongoing or that he’d have to get back to the lawmakers with answers.
When Jordan asked again,” Can you tell me who the lead investigator is?” Mueller responded, “Off the top of my head, no.”

Consider the chilling reality of this exchange – the Director of the FBI has no information as to who is handling the investigation into the single greatest abuse of a government agency upon the America people in recent memory. It is inconceivable this is true, yet it is allowed to stand as factual, sworn to under oath testimony.

The political class and their media hacks are continually spouting off as to their confusion to the American people having less and less confidence in all aspects of the government, given how the government is doing all these wonderful things providing comfort and fairness to the people. They may be trampling the Constitution of the United States, lying and exhibiting the worse type of cowardice in the process, but surely such details do not matter in pursuit of a more beneficent autocracy. Their rationale apparently goes something like – “the people don’t really care about lying under oath and the suspension of their fundamental constitutional rights, especially because they’re getting free health care and we are keeping them safe from those nasty terrorists”.

With the presentation of the above congressional transcription, the Madison Conservative responds to the aforementioned confusion thusly:

Enough said.

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