Sunday, February 23, 2014

Global Warming - part 1

The cure for the evils of democracy is more democracy!
H. L. Mencken, Notes on Democracy, 1926

The idiocy of the political left and the assertions concerning the farce of ‘man-made climate change’ has reached perhaps its zenith in hyperbole and its nadir in reasoned intelligence on the issue.

While obviously not a constitutional issue, the debate has reached such a level of public policy that the Madison Conservative has decided to focus on the substance of the issue, and leave the histrionics to the ignorant media hacks and sycophants of the political left.

The focus of this discussion will be comments made by Secretary of State John Kerry in a speech on ‘global warming’ made recently in Jakarta. He made specific remarks that must be addressed, and should be of concern to the American people as a whole, for within his comments are the seeds of future power grabs, thus lessening freedom and democracy for all.

To wit:

Consider this bit of idiocy:

"We should not allow a tiny minority of shoddy scientists and science and extreme ideologues to compete with scientific fact,”

coupled with this bit of political hatred 101:

"The science is unequivocal and those who refuse to believe it are simply burying their heads in the sand”

What Mr. Kerry, the President, and the flacks at MSNBC do not seem to understand is that science is not a product of majority rules. Quality science is by definition a process in which data is examined and presented as just that – data. There is no such thing as consensus derived accepted conclusions.

As to those of us who Secretary Kerry labels as having our heads in the sand, he ignores this simple fact. The data shows that there has been an increase of approximately 1 degree Celsius in the past hundred years, and almost none in the last 15 years.

That is what the data shows. It does NOT offer any conclusions as to the cause.

The planet is roughly 4 BILLION years old, give or take a few millennia. Mr. Kerry and the administration are thus trying to extrapolate ‘man made climate change’ of a planet 4 billion years old based on a hundred years of data.

Who exactly is the ignorant one here?

Liberals attempt o paint those who maintain a scientific sensibility on the subject as ‘doubters’, and ‘flat earthers’, that we do not believe in climate change.

Actually, the opposite is true. We accept that there has been a change in the climate. That is where we stop. There is no evidence tying it to being a man made situation.

There are two questions that never seem to be asked on this subject.

#1 – How do we know that we are not merely in a thousand year, five hundred year, or three thousand year weather cycle? Again, the planet is 4 billion years old. Man has been keeping records for about a century.  There has been no proof provided that any of this is man made.

#2. If the supposedly enlightened class believes in climate change, what exactly is their goal? What exact climate are they hoping to attain? When will their job be done?

These questions are never answered, but instead we are given this taste of stupidity on how the administration views the issue of global warming:

"perhaps the world's most fearsome weapon of mass destruction".

Not the Iranian nuclear program, or North Korea, or the chemical weapons Syria has been stockpiling, or the worldwide campaign of terrorism.

It is incumbent on one to wonder how exactly this administration plans on controlling the ecosystem of the entire planet.

In truth, this is not about the planet, or even concern over the weather.

Next weeks’ blog will discuss what the debate over climate is truly about.

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