Sunday, June 27, 2021

Solipsistic Representation


The cure for the evils of democracy is more democracy!


H. L. Mencken, Notes on Democracy, 1926


The framers of the United States Constitution had a very specific vision for the nation they had hope to create.


The Constitution speaks repeatedly of the rights of the individual, and the responsibilities of those elected to serve the folks back home in their respective districts.


Simply put, the elected representatives had a responsibility to be the voice of their constituents in all matters brought before the national legislature. The founders believed it to be of the highest honor to serve, and that if fortunate enough to be chosen to serve, the Congress would honorably fulfill their oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution.


The reasons are multitude and better left to another forum to discuss, but it is becoming troubling that the concept of representative government is taking a bit of a beating these days.


There has been a generally accepted belief that in generations past, the government was assembled to include our best and brightest, experienced voices who agreed on the goals, but merely disagreed on how best to get there.


Today it is apparent we have sent to Washington a cross section of the most aggrieved and narcissistic group of citizens in our history. The concept of “E PLURIBUS UNUM” – from many one, has descended and devolved to something more along the lines of a spoiled child who did not get the dessert that they wanted. More and more members of the House and Senate can be seen before a bank of microphones addressing how almost anything has affected them personally, and how the nation must act to soothe and bind their wounded psyches.  Necessary national discussions on race, for example, are no longer encouraged, but silenced by a congressman with a sad tale of their personal experiences.


Please note: we are not dismissing such incidents, but rather asking said congressman to hop off the pity party soapbox and go do something about it.


This nation is not a true democracy. A true democracy would have every citizen voting on every piece of legislation. We are a democratic republic. We elect fellow citizens to act on our behalf. That concept is fading quickly and being replaced by individuals with personal axes to grind. We have allowed the voice of the people to be hijacked by unqualified people using their position as a feedback squealing megaphone.


America is best when we are a choir. Many voices, all working together to achieve a common goal.


Imagine the Hallelujah Chorus with a few singers who feel entitled to schreech out of tune, shrill solos.


We would demand a refund of our ticket if presented with such a performance.


The American electorate must demand at least the same from their elected representatives. There is no place for entitled soloists in the choir of America.


Many, many different voices? Absolutely.


But untalented solos?


No thank you. Here’s your gold watch. Please enjoy your retirement while a fresh voice takes your place.


In capitalist terms, Congress must understand that the citizenry is the profit, elected officials are the overhead. No business would allow overhead to whine to profit. The business would surely fail.


We ask that the next time your experience the lamentations of a member of Congress, see what they have done to better such situations for those who elected them.


That will no doubt tell the true tale of things.


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