Sunday, July 11, 2021

American Freedom Is An Absolute, Not a Sense


The cure for the evils of democracy is more democracy!


H. L. Mencken, Notes on Democracy, 1926


Amidst the recent furor caused by the Biden administrations intent to go door to door if necessary to insure vaccine compliance, remarks made by HHS Secretary Xavier Bacerra have gone mostly ignored, at least the most chilling parts of his recent CNN interview.


The snippets that have been relayed are the Secretary’s beliefs that given the government has paid trillions to aid in Covid relief, the government thus most certainly have the right to invade every citizens privacy, on the premise they need to find out if their investment is properly being realized.

Dismantling such an imbecilic statement is too easy to warrant time and editorial space to do just that.

The Madison Conservative, however, is alarmed at what has not been commented on by the mainstream media. The political  left is no more a liberal ideology, but rather  a belief that they have the absolute right and power to encroach on every aspect of our lives, because the government knows what is in our best interest, certainly more than any citizen does relative to his own life choices. The political left continually rang the alrm bell that President Trump was angling for a dictatorship, with him on the throne as absolute monarch.

The fallacy of those comments is self-evident to anyone who takes a breath and looks at President Trump’s record.

In similar fashion, Bacerra, the HHS Secretary who has no medical background, gave away what the intent of the political left has set as their ultimate goal.


Consider this quote from the aforementioned interview:



“We want to give people the sense that they have the freedom to choose. But we hope they choose to live.”


Before we undertake our dismantling of this assault on American freedom, we will ask the founding fathers to preface our argument by quoting a relevant passage from the Declaration of Independence, for the benefit of the political left who may be unware of the passage.

To wit:


We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness—That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government…


In other words, Secretary Bacerra, President Biden and any other citizen who believes in the primacy of government, freedom is NOT a ‘sense’. The government has no power, authority, or right to put restrictions on the American right to choose. The intent of the political left is to make a restrictive list of ‘proper’ choices, because anyone who has opted out of receiving a vaccine is choosing to not live.

This is an affront and an assault on the basic foundations of America.

As noted whenever the object of the discussion includes the topic of vaccines, the Madison Conservative takes no stand on the vaccine issue itself. This is a conscious decision because it is nobody’s business what personal health choices and American may make. In that same vein, neither is it the business of the government. If it were, when an administration of a particular political belief gained power, they could cite precedence by asking about abortion status.

Bacerra attempted to ‘clean up’ his statements by claiming that the government had no records on who was and was not vaccinated. The question then of course is how would they know whose door to knock.

Americans must remain vigilant. The founders and framers were clear on the subject of American freedom. Their stated belief was that Americans were endowed by their creator with the right of freedom. The fight was not to gain any modicum of freedom.

The fight was to preserve the rights granted by the Creator.

There is a huge difference. Do not be fooled by the cowards of no consequence. They are intent on the restriction of freedom. Tyrants attempt to gain control of the masses by promising freedom.

Mr. Bacerra, we have the freedom. It is not yours to grant.

It is NOT a sense.










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