Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Afghanistan - 8-31-2021 - Not On My Watch

The cure for the evils of democracy is more democracy!


H. L. Mencken, Notes on Democracy, 1926


{ed. note: As the lead content writer and editor for The Madison Conservative, I have always opted to hand this platform over to guest commentators when an issue is significant but outside the purpose of this blog. I established The Madison Conservative as a means to keep the United States Constitution at the forefront of all governmental policy discussions.

This time, however, the issue is personal. Given that reality, I will be stepping out as editor and give voice to my own personal opinions. This blog has always relied upon the facts within the Constitution to form the foundation of our arguments. I take great pride in that fact. But today is different. It has to be.}


I enlisted in the United States Navy as a direct result of the Iranian hostage crisis. With all the bravado and arrogance of youth at my disposal, my attitude was that nobody was going to harm Americans, and somebody needed to secure their safe release. I decided if somebody was going to wade into harm’s way to get them home, it might as well be me. I’d take a minute when leaving Iran   to stop and teach the Ayatollah a thing or two about messing with Americans.  Of course, I had nothing to do with the hostage’s release, but in many ways the mindset persists.

My naval career instilled many truths to my sense of self, but perhaps the two strongest lessons were these:

1 – Never leave anyone behind. That transfers into pretty much every aspect of daily life. See someone having a hard time, we go help. Someone is lost, even in the mall, you stop and help get them to where they need to be. I understand this attitude is not solely an American philosophy, but we as a people sure have perfected it. We leave no one behind, be it soldier or civilian.


Why not? That brings us to number two.


2 – “No. Not on my watch”. As Americans, we make sure our neighbor is safe. We will do what is needed to be done. Because we will not stand idly by and just take a look at what has occured. We jump into action, because no harm will come to another human being if we can stop it.


Not on our watch.


There are more than enough issues to be discussed about the epic cowardice of Joe Biden and his administration. The entire scope of the Afghan War closure is tainted by the politics of the left. No doubt I will return to this platform to give personal voice to them.


Right now, there needs to be immediate answers as to exactly why Americans were left in Afghanistan.


Why, President Biden?


The American mantra is that no one will be left behind, not on our watch.


Yet you did exactly that. Your need for political expediency has condemned Americans to live with fear, torture, and potentially death.




Under what rationale did you leave citizens behind?




Your cowardice demands answers, but none more immediate is why were Americans abandoned to the hands of terrorists.




We as a people have always known that America would not desert us. Joe Biden has taken that absolute faith and buried it in a pile of political manure.


The fact is that history will judge you as the coward you are, but first you must answer for your actions.


Why have none of your administration resigned in disgrace, or at least been fired?


There is an inherent social contract between the governing and the governed. You have disgraced yourself and your office.


Allow me to make the point as often as I can.


America does not leave anyone behind.


Not on our watch.


America – Land of the Free BECAUSE of the Brave.


You, Mr. President, do not deserve the honor of the presidency.


You are a liar and a coward.


And here’s something else I learned during my Navy hitch. Once you are branded a coward, that bell will never be un-rung.


Not on my watch.



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