Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Immunity, Ignorance, Idiocy & Political Illiteracy - ( A Madison Conservative Rant)


The cure for the evils of democracy is more democracy!

H. L. Mencken, Notes on Democracy, 1926


It is becoming painfully clear that the political class, the media conglomerates, and our elected representatives  are just as addled as President Biden in a debate  when discussing  the recent Supreme Court ruling on presidential immunity.

There had never been a need in the entirety of American  history for the Supreme Court to rule on the issue.

Until Donald Trump got elected and the political left lost their collective minds and decided tearing up the United States Constitution was a perfectly rational act in their desire  to stop Hitler.

We at The Madison Conservative are disgusted by that approach.

In order to clarify the decision, a quick factual review seems appropriate.


To wit:


The state of Colorado tried to remove Trump from  the ballot because, we presume, they thought he tweeted mean things.

In a 9-0 unanimous vote, the Supreme Court ruled such actions were unconstitutional.

Trump, with all due respect, won nothing. The Court gave a victory to the Constitution, and in doing so foreshadowed that the rule of law would continue to prevail. Nobody seemed to take note. Big mistake.

The political left then conspired to prosecute Trump on novel legal theories. Their goal was simple: convict him of any felony so that Biden could use the term “convicted felon”. The unparalled legal research team of the Madison Conservative still has not determined exactly what crime Trump committed.

As an aside to that point, what crime did he commit that had no victims but forced him to pay an unprecedented $175 million bond?


Back to the issue.


All the justices did was to affirm that ANY  President has absolute immunity from criminal prosecution for any and all actions taken  in their role as President. If he or she  commits crimes as president the Constitution provides for their impeachment, and if convicted, removal from office.

Does “high crimes and misdemeanors” ring a bell?


The Supreme Court returned tha case to the lower court to determine what are official presidential acts and what are to be considered personal acts.

In short, nothing has changed. In their haste and hatred of Trump, the liberal courts and prosecutors bypassed due process.




In her dissent, Justice Sotomayor wrote that the majority ruling would allow a President to order Seal Team Six to go murder a political opponent. This idiotic statement became the talking point and rallying cry of Democrats and the hyperbolic left. They decried the “MAGA” court created a king.


It seems that President Obama beat Trump to the royal throne. The memory loss afflicting Biden seems to be spreading. Obama authorized the execution of FOUR American Citizens with a drone attack. Understand, they were working with al-Qaeda, so good riddance to bad trash. BUT they were citizens murdered without their due process rights AS citizens. I do not remember seeing the photo of Obama being led away in handcuffs. The political  left should read more Madison Conservative before demonstrating their ignorance. In doing so, they could save themselves from public embarrassment.


If it was not so serious, Biden’s reaction to the ruling was a surreal farce.


He stated that Trump would trample the rule of law and become a dictator.

 Biden, of course, made note of how he always follows the law as President. He no doubt has forgotten that  he stole top-secret documents out of a skiff.


We digress. Back to the immunity ruling.


The president has bragged in campaign speeches that the Court ruled his student-loan pay-off scheme was unconstitutional, given he had no presidential authority for such an authorization. Any such program needed to pass through the legislative branch. No problem, explains Mr. law-abiding executive. He just did it anyway. No “MAGA” court was going to tell him “NO”.

Thus proving what  an authoritarian and America loving  fraud he is.

We would be remiss if we did not make note that Rep. Ocasio-Cortez commented how she would offer articles of impeachment against the 6 justices who ruled FOR immunity. As it js with her extreme left political imbeciles, including Biden, their guiding philosophy of democracy is “my way or we imprison you.”


When the executive and legislative branches of a trilateral government vow revenge and disdain for an equal third, something is amiss.


Good thing the Democrats are running on a platform of preserving democracy and stopping Hitler.

Maybe they should read the document they have sworn to uphold.  Political illiteracy is no defense for political stupidity.




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