Saturday, November 7, 2020

Ol' Joe & The Preamble

                                   The cure for the evils of democracy is more democracy!


H. L. Mencken, Notes on Democracy, 1926




Joe Biden has been announced as the winner of the 2020 presidential campaign and thus the media has bestowed upon him the mantle of ‘President-elect’.


The Madison Conservative was established to be a cold and dispassionate voice amidst the histrionics and hyperbolic stance of the mass media. There is more than sufficient cause to debate the true outcome of the election. This is not the time for that dissertation, given that the counting and court cases have yet to be resolved.


That admission being made, we believe that a quick perusal of the Preamble to the United States Constitution is a fair starting point in discussing the potentially incoming Biden administration.


Forgive our acknowledged prejudice on this, but we believe in the world of political thought, nothing written before or since matches the absolute brilliance of our Preamble.


To wit:


We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.


Again, please forgive our lapse in being cold and dispassionate. That is some tight, concise and outright brilliant writing.


Back to the discussion. The purpose is to see where the Biden administration matches up with the preamble.


We the People of the United States,


This has long been a point of debate between various political factions. President Trump has spoken often of wanting to welcome immigrants who follow our established immigration laws. Joe Biden has said he will do away with much of immigration law, saying no human is illegal. Interesting point, but the Constitution clearly states who is afforded its right, privileges and protections. Joe seems to say that the rest of the world has equal rights to America, without restriction. Unless he changes the Constitution, his policy is in direct conflict with our governing document.


in Order to form a more perfect Union,


With all due respect, it is hard to take Biden seriously on this point when he fails to renounce comments made by his supporters that President Trump and those who vote for him are Nazis, racists, and want fellow citizens to die from Covid. The question becomes if that is the Biden &  Harris view of how to achieve a status of being closer to perfection.



establish Justice,


Kamala Harris’ record as California AG includes  ignoring exculpatory or otherwise exonerating evidence against a number of suspects including death row inmate Kevin Cooper and George Gage. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard brought the issue up during a Democrat debate, but the press mysteriously did not press the issue. The singular piece of legislation attached to Joe’s 47 years of political history is the crime bill that imposed harsher prison sentences to those who trafficked in crack cocaine – read young urban men – while much lighter sentences of those in the world of powdery cocaine – read the rich and connected.


insure domestic Tranquility,


Joe and Kamala have yet to discuss what they would do to regain control of areas such as Portland, save for expressing that sometime free speech takes precedence. Exquisitely said by two people who have never had to bear the stresses of building a business, making payroll, coping with government regulations imposed by other people who have similarly avoided taking such risks themselves.



provide for the common defence,


Both Biden and Harris have proudly promoted the ‘defund and restructure the police’ policies. I would concur if the first police force to be so reconstructed is the Capitol Police. Please understand, we hold all law enforcement officers in the highest regard. The suggestion to start with the Capitol Hill force is only intended to demonstrate the cowardice of all public officials who promote the idea.



promote the general Welfare,


Many Americans are suffering economically because of no fault of their own but for Covid. Biden and Harris have stood mute as Nancy Pelosi played political gamesmanship over Covid relief, refusing to pass funding that would help give President Trump a ‘political win’. In this case, perhaps the adage that silence is acceptance sadly rings true.


and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity,


Again, the silence has been deafening from the President-elect and his running mate on the greatness of America and our shared history of accomplishment.  The Preamble starts with ‘in order to form a MORE PERFECT union’. The founding fathers had no illusion about the perfection of their creation. They knew changes would need to be made, and so established the parameters on how to amend the Constitution. It was not until 2020 that we were told of our racist, hateful white privileged beginnings. Why would Biden & Harris choose to run such an awful country? Because America is not what a fringe group has been espousing. It should fall to the new administration to state unequivocally that while America is not perfect, we are, and with generations of spilled blood,  on our way.



 do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.


On January 20th, 2021, Joe Biden and kamala Harris will raise their right hands to preserve, protect and defend this august document.


The Madison Conservative will give them the benefit of the doubt: sadly, based upon their own words and actions, doubts their intentions and so we will hold them to their sacred oath.


We are America. Home of the proud, BECAUSE of the brave. If your candidate lost, get involved and do something to engage in the democratic process. If your candidate won, expect them to hold to their oath of office.


232 years and counting. Go live free!









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