Sunday, January 24, 2021

Reichstag 2021

The cure for the evils of democracy is more democracy!


H. L. Mencken, Notes on Democracy, 1926


The events at the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021, will no doubt be remembered not so much as a ‘day of infamy’. as a day of notoriety and opportunity. It is troubling that the political left and their sycophants in the major media immediately, and in unison, put out the narrative that those responsible were in fact ‘Trump supporters’. History has demonstrated through the eons that when everybody agrees on a singular political truth, something is dangerously amiss.

The first amendment to the United States Constitution protecting the right to a free press was intended to protect the press from retribution when questioning those in power. There has been no independent reporting on what may have really happened. The Democratic leadership states President Trump and his supporters were the culprits, and those who can only be called stenographers of the press dutifully write it down and repeat it on-air. Speaker Nancy Pelosi drafted an article of impeachment based upon the claim that the President incited the crowd to violence. One look of the unedited tape of the event proves otherwise. Do not take our word; seek out the tape.

For four years Donald Trumps’ enemies have sought to destroy him, often using the comparison that he was Adolf Hitler incarnate, and that his administration was the Gestapo.

Putting aside those disgusting comparison, Germany in 1933 does hold some frightening similarities to our nation today.

Before moving into that point, it is important to remember this warning from George Santayana:


“Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it”



In 1933, a month after Hitler assumed power, the German Reichstag –(their equivalent to our Capitol building) was set ablaze. The Nazi party at the time was a political party; they had not yet descended into their depths of evil. At the time, the Communist party in Germany was a political force. Hitler took the occasion of the fire to blame the communists, helping to rally the nation to support his ideology. He would ferret out the communists and keep the nation safe. No one question the claims of culpability; the nation merely wanted safety and security. History has shown that the Nazi’s started the fire, for exactly the reasons mentioned above. They sought political advantage and power.

The Madison Conservative is in no way suggesting any political leader had any involvement in the riots of January 6th.

We are suggesting, however, that the press do their job and investigate what happened. This is no conspiracy theory, but a simple question. The mass media is filled with ‘experts’ talking about Trump voters being part of a ‘cult’, and that serious efforts need to be considered on how best to ‘reprogram’ the 74 million plus Trump voters.

If we do not question those in authority under the guise of ‘unity’ we do a disservice and dishonor this nation.

Remember this – the last time a nation was in agreement about their political status was Germany in the 1930’s.

That really did not work out well at all.



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