Thursday, March 3, 2022

The Face Of Cowardice


The cure for the evils of democracy is more democracy!


H. L. Mencken, Notes on Democracy, 1926


PLEASE NOTE: What follows is commentary of those in elected office. It is not intended to reflect on any population, save those who hold seats of authority. We ask your indulgence for this particular post. For us, in many ways, this is personal.


Axioms are such because they have been proven true.

One of the strongest, and saddest, is this:

They came for those people, and I said nothing. They came for other groups of people, and still I remained silent.

Finally they came for me, and there was no one left to protest my disappearance.


Ukraine is under assault by this generations Adolf Hitler.

The world sits by and does nothing.

The United States Congress passed a resolution in support of Ukraine. The paper it was printed on was insufficiently strong enough to stop the Russian missile onslaught.

The United Nations, ostensibly the deliberative body where countries could meet and resolve their differences peaceably had difficulty garnering unanimous support for even a declaration condemning Russia.

The leaders of NATO are standing by watching war crimes being committed and do nothing more than searching for a camera crew so they can lament the situation.

The “free world” should be disgusted and ashamed of themselves.

Joe Biden, coward-in-chief, was asked about the evidence of Putin’s war crimes and responded with the terse “we’re monitoring it.” Hey Joe, how many women need to be slaughtered and children butchered before you decide you’ve done enough checking in on things?

Consider this.

President Donald J. Trump was told of Syria using chemical weapons on its own people, in violation of international law.

Trump’s reaction was pure America.

He dropped the MOAB (Mother of all bombs) on a Syrian military facility.

Syria has mostly been behaving themselves ever since.

New reports comment on the Ukrainian use of anti-tank and Javelin misses to defend themselves.

Nobody ever notes where those weapons came from.

President Trump again. He commented at the time of the sale that it was a calculated risk, but that Ukraine had to be able to defend itself.

Biden, Pelosi, Schumer and the rest of the Russian hoax conspirators condemned the action at the time as a sign of Trumps ignorance and subservience to the corrupt Ukraine government.

They have all opted to remain silent on those facts, instead passing resolutions of support.

The only leader of consequence is Volodymyr Zelenskyi, the President of Ukraine.

When Joe Biden, in sadly characteristic fashion, offered the Ukrainian leader safe passage out of the country, the response was positively Churchillian – “I don’t need a ride, I need ammo!”. Lost in much of the coverage is that there has been no government request for troops to be sent to Ukraine, only weaponry. In other words, nobody is being asked to fight for Ukraine, just get them the weapons and they’ll do their own fighting.

The circle of fellow cowards surrounding Biden claim they were not taken by surprise by Putin’s actions. If true, why in God’s name did they not follow Trump’s lead and stockpile weapons ahead of time? Any outraged political leader care to offer an answer?

The “civilized world” seems to be under the control of a psychopath. “Oh, don’t upset Vlad, he’ll use his nukes.”

The reality is that there is no such thing as a limited nuclear war. One nuclear weapon goes off, what happens next is called mutually assured destruction. We are not advocating war, but history has proven that the two most successful leaders America has had in dealing with Russia – Reagan & Trump - understood the basic axiom of avoiding war:

“Peace Through Strength”.

Today’s political leaders have a simple choice – repeat the mistakes of Neville Chamberlain or follow the path of Reagan –“Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!.”

It really is that simple.

If the people of the world do not act, Putin surely will.





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