Wednesday, March 2, 2022

The State of the Union Speech - 3/1/22 - A Madison Conservative Commentary


The cure for the evils of democracy is more democracy!


H. L. Mencken, Notes on Democracy, 1926


In our attempts to find a way to describe President Biden’s first State of the Union address, the one word that we keep returning to is ‘whiplash’.

There are those who will find the speech tedious and uninspired. Others will want to focus on the provable lies Biden spewed in feeble attempts to justify his ineptitude.

We found ourselves commenting out-loud with the phrase of “what?”

Analyzing and dismantling the speech line by line could fill volumes and be an unfair use of your time.

We will attempt to convey our point by focusing on several significant issues.

We understand that SOTU speeches are mostly forgettable and tend to devolve into a  ‘wish-list’ of priorities for the administration in the coming legislative year.

Biden went way beyond that and must be held to account.

To wit:



Biden attempted to assert that he had spent his time building allied coalitions in support of Ukraine. Given his cowardice in Afghanistan, it is particularly galling to hear Biden try to take credit for uniting NATO. It was President Trump who challenged the need for NATO, demanding that member nations fulfill their financial responsibilities to the organization. It was Trump who assured that Biden had a funded NATO that could provide support for Ukraine. At the time, Biden accused Trump of being rude and ignorant of our allies. He promise to return America to full stature on the world stage. Biden then abandoned those very same allies in his exit from Afghanistan. It was European nations that began instituting sanctions on Russia. Biden omitted in his speech that the American sanctions excluded Russia’s energy supplies. On one hand, Biden claims to be the cause for unity against Russia. With the other hand, he refuses to stop buying Russian energy. The leader of the free world is funding the invasion of Ukraine.

That fact somehow was omitted from his speech, leaving people around the world to question if Biden is for or against Russia.



The political left demanded the imbecilic spending bills that everybody knew would cause inflation. As if on cue, after acknowledging that “he gets it” on the stresses of inflation on the American people, he attempts to defend continuing on his disastrous path by noting that leading Nobel Laureate economists claimed that his policies will strengthen the economy for everyone. He does not seem to see the cause and effect principles that govern reality.

He also repeated his ignorance that his policies created over 6 million new jobs last year. We have addressed this in previous posts, but it bears repeating. Those jobs were coming back once the economy reopened. There is NO policy which this administration has implemented that can be attributed to creating any NEW jobs.



If we were a cynical and conspiratorial organization, we might find merit in the belief there has been some shenanigans going on with mask mandates. We find it wildly convienient, from a political perspective, that Nancy Pelosi lifted mask mandates for the US Capitol the morning of the SOTU speech. Did she have access to secret science information which allowed her to take such action?

Here again, there is no policy Biden has had that brought us through the pandemic.

In perhaps one of the more egregious examples of whiplash, Biden pleaded for America to stop making COVID a political issue. This from the man who claimed Republican governors were creating ‘states of death’, who told the American people his patience was running out with people who were unvaccinated. We wonder who made it political. Bidens said that Trump did not deserve the presidency given the number of people who died on his watch. That number is far greater under Bidens inaction, yet we heard no word of his resignation.



It is a matter of record that the policies of the political left are the foundation of the increase in criminal activity in our largest cities. In what struck  us as the single most disgusting moment of his speech, no sooner had he mentioned the ambush and murders of Officer Jason Rivera and Officer Wilbert Mora, than he called out for police accountability. In a moment of profound absurdity, he stressed his desire to FUND the police, not DEFUND them.

Apparently no one in the White House communications office has ever heard of Google or YouTube. A simple search will provide you with endless clips of Biden agreeing that cutting funding to police departments was a good idea during the summer 2020 riots.



President Trump instituted the ‘remain in Mexico’ policy, ended ‘catch and release’  and began construction of a security wall along our southern border. His policies worked, dropping illegal immigration to historic low levels. Biden, in his hate-filled disgust of all things Trump, cancelled all of those policies that again, were working. He appointed a border czar in Vice-President Harris, who, in more than a year, has never visited the border. Biden then has the arrogance to demand the Congress “fix our immigration laws”.

He has yet to enforce the existing laws, so what exactly does he want fixed?

Aside from the human suffering instituted as policy by Biden, he has ignored the opiod crisis flowing across that same border. In his declaration that we must stop the overdose epidemic of fentanyl, he forgoes acknowledging the source of that drug: China.

Americans can understand a weak leader, but they will not accept an inept one.


We believe it unconscionable that the President of the United States would be so blatant and exquisite a liar.






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