Saturday, June 25, 2022

A Supreme Reality Check


The cure for the evils of democracy is more democracy!


H. L. Mencken, Notes on Democracy, 1926



This has been a glorious week for America, the principles of democracy upon which she was founded, and the brilliance of the United States Constitution. The political left has lied and vowed violence because they did not get their way. The Madison Conservative is not insensitive to the politics of the issues, but we choose to avoid engaging in a point by point deconstruction of the left’s attempts to use hatred and anger in pursuit of their goals. The left supports those who seem to believe that attacking facilities that help pregnant women to be a fair response to their frustrations. Maxine Waters, a sitting member of Congress has opted to declare that the Supreme Court can go to hell. There is no point in attempting to reason with such idiocy and evil. When a nation is in turmoil, it looks to its leaders for a calm and measured response, Sadly, America has the coward-in-chief Biden at the helm, doing nothing but adding ignorant gas to the imbecilic fire.

Because the erratic and hateful left, along with their sycophantic stenographic media, are smearing America with wild abandon, we believe it best to provide thumbnail clarifications on exactly what the Supreme Court has done in defense of the Constitution.


THE NEW YORK GUN LAW -  The Supreme Court has simply said that New York cannot add an arbitrary level of application. You could submit an application, including a background check, and if you were approved, you would then need to explain why you wanted to carry your weapon outside. The state would then decide if THEY felt your reason passed THEIR opinion. Justice Thomas correctly pointed out that the Second Amendment is not a second class right. You have a right to defend yourself. The Court ruled that if you pass your application check, you have the right to carry the weapon on your person. That’s it. They have NOT ruled ‘guns for everybody’. They have put the responsibility for guns squarely where it belongs, with our elected officials. They now have to do their job. Their vitriol indicates they like the perks of elected office, but would prefer to avoid the responsibilities.

THE ROE OVERTURN -  This decision was inevitable. A few quick clarifications.

Roe v. Wade was NEVER a law. It was a decision in a case decided by the Supreme Court. It would be of great help if the loudest voices on the left would take a basic course in civics. The Judicial Branch DOES NOT MAKE LAW. That responsibility lies solely with the Legislative branch. If the left is so apoplectic about Roe, why in 50 years have they never adopted legislation making it a law?


They know America would never support unlimited abortion on demand. They have hidden behind Roe to deflect from their accountability.

It seems to be a Democratic Party trend.

In their decision, all the court did was to return the decision on abortion back to the electorate, where it belongs. The 1973 decision created a ‘right’ to abortion out of their imagination. No legal scholar has ever argued that Roe was a firm legal decision. Ruth Bader Ginsburg was on record questioning the process  of creating the decision.

The Supreme Court has NOT outlawed abortion in America. It HAS removed it from the courts and put it in the hands of the American people.

The Supreme Court this week has proven the wisdom of the founders. The Constitution is a guide to how the federal government must operate. The 10th Amendment clearly states that any rights not entrusted to the federal government are the responsibility of the states, thus the people.

The Constitution has worked.


Please remember that this upcoming July 4th weekend.

It’s your birthright. Never consider handing your rights over to embarrassments like Joe Biden and his ilk.

The responsibility is yours.







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