Sunday, July 10, 2022

The Answers Are In The Constitution

The cure for the evils of democracy is more democracy!


H. L. Mencken, Notes on Democracy, 1926



The Madison Conservative is making a public appeal to the nation for somebody to hand the leader of the free world a copy of the United States Constitution, the august document he has sworn, on multiple occasions for multiple public offices, to preserve, protect and defend. His actions and language of late leaves America with only two distinct choices:

1 – The Coward-in-Chief has no comprehension of our governing document, the rules by which we live,


2 – He is so consumed with hatred of the country that he just doesn’t give a damn.

There is no other option from which to choose.


Biden’s incoherent ramblings are focused on recent Supreme Court decisions. The imbecilic political left have reacted with calls to pack the court with sufficient like-minded idiots so that they can claim victory for their goals.

Joe Biden has encouraged this bile.

We ask you to consider the following.

The founders and framers intentionally created three EQUAL branches of government, partially as a safeguard against what the political left is attempting. Joe has called the Court ‘extreme’ in recent days. The Roe decision returned the decision on abortion to the people to decide. On one hand, he decries the fact that “nine unelected people in black robes should not have the power to make decisions about choice”.

When the court agrees and returns power to the people where it had always belonged, he whines they have taken away a constitutional right.

The man is unhinged.

We understand that to discuss this completely, we would need hours of your time to go point by point to highlight just how outright stupid is Biden and his political cronies.

We can, however, clarify just how ignorant Biden can be while shouting and whispering.

The President is claiming that the Supreme Court has taken away the constitutional right of privacy. He is warning of impending armageddon to democracy. Actually, given his assault upon the first, second and tenth amendments, it is the left who seems intent  on subjugating the American people to a life under tyrannical rule.

But we digress.

If the dumbest man in government had a copy of the Constitution handy, he might actually stumble across the fourth amendment, which provides for the right to privacy to the citizens of America.

Consider its language, in total:


The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.


(forgive the observation, but the ability of the founders and framers to write clearly and crisply to convey their intentions is an ongoing admiration society within The Madison Conservative.)


So the question needs to be asked. Why exactly  is the leader of the executive branch trying to slander an equal member of the government. He is clearly lying, knowingly, when he makes the wild claim that the court is overturning the right of privacy.

Neither answer is acceptable.

He is either evil or an idiot.

The American people can tolerate incompetence in the short term. Biden will long be in the dust-bins of history, but his legacy is clear. He is EXACTLY why the framers wrote the Constitution as they did. Too bad Joe has not read it lately.

Biden and his ilk will never be successful in the long term.

The United States Constitution proves it.




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