Monday, February 12, 2024

Willful Retention


The cure for the evils of democracy is more democracy!

H. L. Mencken, Notes on Democracy, 1926



 The special counsel investigating Joe Biden’s handling of classified documents released his final report last week. Immediately, the  political and punditry class, in conjunction with a sycophantic and stenographic media began a coordinated obfuscation of what the report said.


The Madison Conservative will distill the report down to its essential point and in doing so bring clarity to the issue.


We will wait until a later date to discuss the comparisons to former President Trump’s classified documents case until such time as it is properly adjudicated.


The core of the Biden case comes down to two words:


“Willful retention”


The special counsel found that Biden had KNOWINGLY  broken federal law going back to his days in the United States Senate. He had illegally taken documents out of a ‘skiff’. A skiff is a location that forbids any type of electronic devices and any type of recording instrument. Nothing comes out of a skiff. As a senator and then vice-president, Biden was fully aware of skiff protocols.

Biden and his defenders attempted to place blame at the feet of “staff”. Staff were never in the skiff. We do not know if his staff even had sufficient security clearances to handle the top secret classified documents stored in his garage. Joe broke federal law all on his own, with full knowledge of his crime.


The political left has attempted to paint the special counsel as a partisan hack intent on embarrassing the President. Their argument states that the only reason a prosecutor would make note of Biden’s failing memory would be to cause political damage to his hopes for re-election.

As to why a prosecutor would say such things, those decrying the  comments, they might have had a point. In unison, the buzz word is that questioning Biden’s  mental capacities was “gratuitous”. Biden himself expressed outrage at many of the comments about his forgetting the date of his son’s death. He then promptly forgot the church where his son received the rosary Biden carries. He then confused Egypt as Mexico.

There is  sadly a growing list of Biden losing cognitive function, but such examples would not support a decision by the special counsel to opt out of bringing charges against the President.

The people raising their voices to declare that Biden has been vindicated have not read the report and are wildly ignorant of the law.


To wit:

The evidence against Biden was deep and  damning. He was NOT found innocent. The reason the special counsel did not bring charges was that he felt a jury would not convict “an old man with a poor memory”. That belief was based upon two days of interviews spanning five hours. Biden demonstrated such poor memory he might not remember actions he had taken. Those findings are what seem to drive the political left and the media to distraction.


We do not understand why.

By federal statute, if a special counsel chooses not to prosecute, he MUST explain why, in his report to the Attorney General.


Consider that the President of the United States was found not mentally competent to stand trial, but can fulfill the requirements of his office?


If the Biden administration wishes to refute the findings, their course is simple and clear.

Release the recordings from the president’s interviews. Bill Clinton did.


The American people are waiting.









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