Sunday, February 25, 2024

The Colorado Ballot Nonsense (and why the Supreme Court should ignore it)


The cure for the evils of democracy is more democracy!

H. L. Mencken, Notes on Democracy, 1926


{ed. Note – please read the entire post before sending e-mails that we have lost our collective minds}


The Madison Conservative has repeatedly used its bully pulpit to expound on the reality that the United States Constitution -  the most wondrous document ever conceived on the right of people to be free – in no way, shape, manner or form accepts the concept of political parties having any legitimate function with respect to government. America was NOT created or designed as a two-party nation.

This simple fact is the foundation of our belief that the United States Supreme Court should not take up debate on the farce that is the case of Colorado keeping Donald Trump off its states primary ballot. The Justices should take all the filings and toss them in the dumpster.

And then go watch a Cubs game.


Now, before we are inundated with correspondence screeching that we are destroying democracy by suggesting such heresy, read on.


We say nonsense. In fact, our stance strengthens democracy 10-fold, in stark contrast to the anarchists of the political class and their stenographic cohorts in the media.


Consider these points:


When Colorado removed Trump from the ballot, what is lost in the argument  is that it was a PRIMARY ballot. The primaries are the function of PRIVATE ENTITIES. They have NO government standing, according to the founders and framers of the Constitution. The Supreme Court should have no interest.


·      The Colorado state Republican Party responded to the ballot action by stating if Trump was not restored to the ballot, the would move to a caucus process to choose their candidate. Outstanding idea. Keep the taxpayer out of it and let the private entity pay their own expenses. The caucus system worked fine for Iowa, and they were able to declare a winner in about 30 minutes. Rather impressive for a state-wide election.

·      The process for national offices is contained in the Constitution. States cannot supersede it because they hate Trump. If any state tried to remove Trump from a national ballot, at that point the Supreme Court would have a reason to intercede, and would restore his name.

·      The Madison Conservative is always heartened when the Constitution comes to the forefront of public debate. Sadly, we are convinced that many on the political left, including President Biden, have never actually read the document. The evidence for that belief is the idiocy and ignorance of those claiming Trump is ineligible because he participated in the January 6th riots, stating categorically that the event was an “insurrection.” Remember that NO ONE, let alone Trump, has EVER been charged or convicted of that crime. As an aside, an insurrection by definition requires that the insurrectionist must be armed. NOBODY has been charged with weapons possession. The only person killed on January 6th was an unarmed participant who was shot by a Capitol police offer. So the 14th Amendment gambit is at best a whopper of a canard.

So the political class and media across all ideologies are completely wrong on every issue related to both the primaries and Trumps eligibility. In an effort to create the daily soap opera script that is news these days, all media outlets present their legal experts expressing that the Supreme Courts Colorado decision will decide the fate of democracy for the next millenia.


The Supreme Court, and the American electorate, should not allow this nonsense to continue. Political parties and their primary process should be relegated to the scrap heap of history. They have no purpose and only exist to keep the inept in power and to generate cashflow for media companies.

It is our sincere hope that the Supreme Court tells the children of politics to get off Americas grass and play somewhere else.



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