Wednesday, March 13, 2024

The 2025 Project


The cure for the evils of democracy is more democracy!

H. L. Mencken, Notes on Democracy, 1926


{ed. Note – please read the entire post before sending e-mails that we have lost our collective minds}


The Madison Conservative was established to provide a constitutional perspective on matters of pulic policy. For more than fifteen years, we have advocated that adhering to the constitutional structure of government was the recipe for a thriving democracy. We have grown chagrined as petty partisan politics have become more and more prevalent, no more so than during the Biden administration. Concurrently, the distillation of conservative principles by the conservative ‘intelligentsia’ has reached a critical mass. The voices of conservatism are no longer the result of thoughtful minds such as William Buckley, but by the loudest voices  shrieking that Biden and the political left are harbingers of a coming apocalypse.


Give an idiot a bullhorn and the only thing they’ll do with it is yell, with no concern for what they’re shouting.

This is true across the political spectrum.

The Madison Conservative has espoused our belief that we can debate and win  our arguments with the political left by using sound conservative values – biological men cannot become pregnant, for example.  

Once victorious, we would share a root beer float and a Cubs game with our friends who are liberal.

That last sentence as written is important. The Madison Conservative is proud and honored to call many of our political adversaries friends. Conservatives should never label anyone as a “liberal friend”. Friends are friends. The same life experiences that made them a friend shaped their liberal view of the world.

They say opposite attract. To gauge a person’s character by transient qualities such as political preferences is not the mark of a conservative or liberal.

It’s the mark of stupidity.

The same is true within any political ideology. The current stance seems to be an issue of either pledging 100percent fidelity to the most extreme views of the political party or risk being labelled as a traitor to the cause and banishment to the political wilderness.


Two quick points on that thought.

Try explaining that to Ronald Reagan and Tip O’Neill.

Second, the last time a nation was pretty much in full agreement on anything was 1930’s Germany, and that really did not work out well.


This prelude brings us to the 2025 Project, a so-called ‘conservative’ blueprint for a potential second Trump administration.

A full reading of the proposal, available online with its mission clearly stated, does showcase many brilliant Conservative voices discussing how to apply conservative ideology to government. Luminaries such as Dr. Benjamin Carson make the case on how to limit various departments to only the issues for which they have responsibility, and how to eliminate much of the bloated bureaucracy.

While we applaud many of the concepts, we are horrified at the absolute betrayal of the Constitution, specifically, and conservative principles overall.

The stated mission is to clear the governmental bureaucracy of ‘deep state’ personnel and replace them with ‘true’ conservatives.

In other words, making sure that political thought will be the litmus test for government employment.

This is an abhorrent abuse of democratic principles. Conservatives have been decrying the absolute disgrace of the ‘equity’ agenda. Diversity and inclusiveness absolutely, but equity is where the Madison Conservative opposed the DEI nonsense.

How is hiring like-mined political thinkers any different than making sure someone who only checks the most equity boxes is hired?

Our belief has always held that America believed in having its best and brightest leading the nation.

We disavow in the strongest possible terms this ‘conservative’ plan.

The Madison Conservative research team is hard at work seeking to discover if Donald Trump supports the replacement process as proposed in the 2025 Project. We do hope he considers the ideas within the document, but publicly reject its methodology.

America is a choir of voices, not a solo.

And to my conservative brethren, feel free to loudly disagree with me. I'm still treating the root beer floats.




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