Sunday, January 31, 2021

The Climate Conundrum


The cure for the evils of democracy is more democracy!


H. L. Mencken, Notes on Democracy, 1926



John Kerry spoke from the White House this week in connection with the Biden administrations executive orders on climate. It is chilling that the stenographic media has either chosen to ignore his comments or do not fully grasp the severity of the narrative.

To wit, with respect to the Paris climate accord:

“…Paris alone is not enough, not when almost 90 percent of all of the planets emissions, global emissions, come from outside of U.S. borders. We could go to zero tomorrow and the problem isn’t solved.”


Consider what he has said. If the United States were to eliminate all of its carbon dioxide emissions, the problem of what is euphemistically called ‘climate change’, the problem would still exist.  The plan apparently is to spend tens of trillions of borrowed monies to address a problem we cannot solve.

The Madison Conservative is not engaging on the merits of the climate change debate, save to say that those who promote the concept insist that there is a consensus among scientists that we have less than 12 years before we are irretrievably doomed. Science does not act on consensus. It deals with facts, and the reality is that the facts are changing as data becomes available. It was 40 years ago we were told we had 20 years left before we were faced with a coming ice age.  Again, we are not venturing into the debate, merely pointing out that facts change as science learns more. One only need look on how science has changed our understanding of Covid-19 in less than a year.  One should never trust a politician who deems something is ‘settled science’. Science is never settled.


This is why Kerry’s statement should concern every citizen. The Biden administration has just made their case that anything they deem to be a climate issue will be controlled by government. The car you drive will be mandated by its effect on the environment. The house you live in will need to meet energy standards. Your job will be decided by Biden fiat, as evidenced by the shutdown of the Keystone pipeline. According to Kerry, those pipeline workers can be trained to make solar panels. People will be trained to do what the government deems necessary, not what the individual wished to do with their life. One only needs to witness the arbitrary closure of businesses to address Covid.  Explanations are not given how a business is deemed non-essential. Providing for ones family certainly seems essential.

The other component of kerry’s statement seems to indicate that the Biden administration will attempt to inject itself in the policies of other governments. History has shown us nothing if not trying to force our will into another nation never seems to work out as we had planned.

President Trump started no new military excursions anywhere in the world, and there were no body bags sent back to the United States. On his first day in office, Joe Biden sent troops to Syria.  Are the troops going there to help the Syrians build wind power turbines?

The political left will attempt to use climate change to justify its somewhat bizarre agendas, noting that all actions are designed to ‘save the planet’.

The Earth is some 4 billion years old and has survived things far more dangerous than the internal combustion engine.

As always, the Madison Conservative is a staunch advocate of supporting those who are only asking questions. The press used to be an advocate of holding those in power to account for their actions. If the press abdicates that responsibility, each and every citizen must give their voice to demanding answers.

As Stephen Hopkins, Rhode Island delegate to Congress in 1776 was credited with saying, he’d never heard of a subject so dangerous that it couldn’t be debated about.

The founders and the framers wisdom should continue to guide us through these most interesting of times.






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