Sunday, March 14, 2021

The Presidential Address to the Nation - 3/11/2021





The cure for the evils of democracy is more democracy!


H. L. Mencken, Notes on Democracy, 1926


President Joe Biden gave his first national address on March 11, 2021. While not particularly inspiring to a country emerging from a year of lockdowns, it was chilling to those who hold the United States Constitution as a sacrosanct document.

Before addressing the focus of this column, there needs to be a quick bit of context to President Biden’s attempts to flout his belief in the success of his administration in dealing with vaccines.

The president referred to the status and number of vaccines when he assumed office on January 20th, 2021.  His statements were no doubt intended to convey the impression that in 50 short days his leadership made possible the great increase in vaccines created and vaccines injected.

This is wholly a pile of what one might find on the road if walking behind a bull.

The fact is that these vaccines were not on the shelf, available to purchase at the local drug store. They needed to be created from scratch. There are testing protocols that need to be followed to insure the manufacture of vaccines are exact for each dose.

The reason Biden has been able to ramp up vaccinations is because President Trump and the Warp Speed endeavor did what the experts said was impossible; bring a vaccine to market in less than a year. In his obvious disdain for his predecessor, Biden seems intent on the obliteration of Trumps leadership from the annals of history.

The Madison Conservative will not allow that to happen. The vaccines that are coming online are Trump vaccines. That is not opinion, that is fact.


That clarification made, herein are the parts of the speech that should concern every American.

Biden stressed that the American people needed to put their faith and trust in the government. This is the intent of this administration as it has been with all totalitarian regimes throughout history. We will discuss some of the actions taken in these first 50 days of the Biden regime in subsequent columns, but the overriding theme is that the government knows best.

With all due respect Mr. President, the Madison Conservative will put its faith in God and trust in family and friends. The government has very few constitutional responsibilities in the Constitution. Supplanting God and family is not among those responsibilities. We have a right to free speech and free expression of the religion of our choice.

President Reagan said it best when he quipped that the nine most destructive words to America:

“I’m from the government; I am here to help.”

Perhaps if the Biden administration governs under the rules of the Constitution, it may earn the respect of its citizens, but to ask for its faith and trust is a harbinger of disaster. A government of, for, and by the people must remain dependent on themselves, not on a distant bureaucracy intent on its own power.

President Biden also spoke of the patriotic mandate of taking the vaccine. The Madison Conservative does not take a position on whether the citizenry must ingest anything to prove their fidelity to the state. There are any number of clear and rational reasons NOT to take the vaccine. The right of self-determination is the foundation of America, and it’s concept is at the heart of the Constitution. Government invoking patriotism to do anything is also the hallmark of despotic governments. There will no doubt be attempts to force compliance, but the question will still remain: why? There is talk of invoking Covid passports to limit travel for those who have not complied with the Biden edicts. The restriction of movement within the contiguous 48 is unconstitutional. The Biden administration has offered us a glimpse into out future if vaccine acquiescence is not total, and it goes to the very heart of democracy.

President Biden, in no uncertain terms, said if that everybody “did their part”, it might be possible too have small, limited gathering for Independence Day. Of course, he continued, if things changed, it might be necessary to return to a state of lockdown.

In other words, comply or suffer the consequences. The tenth amendment clearly states all powers and rights not vested in the Constitution to the federal government are the rights and powers of the states and the people.

In the guise of patriotism, the Biden administration is attempting to subjugate the citizenry to their will.

The American people must resist this attempt and reassert their rights as a free people.





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