Sunday, March 21, 2021

"Workers" - A Guest Commentary

The cure for the evils of democracy is more democracy!


H. L. Mencken, Notes on Democracy, 1926



The Madison Conservative strives to focus on the political in a manner that relies on facts and the United States Constitution as the founders and framers created it. Occasionally, the political can only be discussed in the personal tone, and on such occasions, we invite a guest commentary to discuss the issue at hand. Such is the case of the Biden administration, the political left, and the word ‘worker’. We now hand it off to our guest writer.


There seems to be a fixation on the American ‘worker’ these days. There is of course great merit and sense of self in honest work. The issue is not with the concept of work, but the classification of worker as used by the current political left.

Take for example how Biden proffered this bit of wisdom when discussing his intention to shut down coal mining. His point went along the lines of if the ‘workers’ could learn coal mining, they could easily learn such skills as computer coding, a skill set the government will need moving forward. In one fell swoop, Biden dismissed the families that made housing plans, college tuition plans for their children, etc. by simply deciding for tens of thousands how they will best serve the government. The oil that was to flow   through the pipeline will still need to get to market. John Kerry made similar comments when explaining the effects of closing the XL pipeline. The ‘workers’ could simply switch to making solar panels. Were there solar panel factories near the ‘workers’ home, or would they need to uproot their homes and families to meet the needs of the Biden regime? This is not the hallmark of democracy, but rather the tell-tale signs of autocracy. The only victims of the Biden policies have been the ‘workers’ they seem so intent on destroying.

At the outset of the COVID pandemic, the delineation of ‘essential worker’ was used as a way to keep the virus at bay. It seems long forgotten now, but President Trump began planning to reopen the economy by Memorial Day 2020. Trump spoke of the imperative for America to get back to work. He did not blather on about ‘workers’, but rather the collective unity of America. The political left, seeing an opportunity to destroy Trump, willingly put ‘workers’ on the metaphoric altar of sacrifice in order to score political points. They cared not a whit about ‘workers’.

The American people may be the best and most industrious people on the planet, but they are not collectively ‘workers’, beholden to the needs and whims of the bloated bureaucracy. A family trying to feed their children and make the rent payment cannot be seen as ‘non-essential’ individuals. The truth is that the only ‘non-essential’ people in America are the political class.

Also, if further clarification is needed, note the political lefts use of the term ‘worker’ and where the term is a part of a government’s official description.


The Chinese Peasants' and Workers' Democratic Party


The Communist Workers' Party (USA)


The Revolutionary Workers' Party (RWP; )  - Russia.


In April 2011, activists from the RWP,  merged their organization into the Russian Socialist Movement. In May 2019 part of the RWP split and merged into the International Marxist Tendency, naming themselves Marxist Tendency. It should be noted that United States Senator Bernie Sanders is an avowed socialist.

America is a land of diverse individuals, people with a rich and full history. The American people are many things, but they are not ‘workers’ in the way Biden, Kerry and others see them.

They are a free and independent people. They must remain so if America is to continue to grow and prosper, independent of the government and its whims.







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