Sunday, March 28, 2021

The Rules Still Matter

The cure for the evils of democracy is more democracy!


H. L. Mencken, Notes on Democracy, 1926



There is legislation moving through Congress which is a blatant attempt by the political left to circumvent the United States Constitution and establish single party rule in America, the precursor to a socialist state.

H.R. 1 –(the House) and S.R. 1 (Senate) aim to federalize elections in this country. The (1) denotation in each bill demonstrates that this was the first priority of the Democratic party. To bolster their argument for passage, they are employing a multi-layered strategy.

In no particular order, they say that COVID-19 necessitates the need for mail-in balloting. The party that decried President Trump’s pattern of ‘not following the science’ is now willfully ignoring the science that says things can open up again, while following certain reasonable accommodations. In stead of being honest with the electorate about COVID, the Democratic party is instead attempting to force the citizenry into fearing any outside contact. People can go to restaurants, supermarkets, malls, etc., but going to vote could kill them. This is the sum total of their COVID ballot strategy.

The Democrats also contend that requiring some form of ID is racist, and would disenfranchise minority voters. People have to show ID if they’re trying to return an item at most stores. If you want to get into the People’s House, the House of Representatives or the Senate, do not even attempt to do so without a valid ID.  Folks who wish to do their banking in person, it is not an option if you have no valid ID.  If you choose to drive any type of vehicle, you best be carrying valid ID. The Democrats keep making the racism claim, but never get questioned as to how they come to that conclusion. Proof of who is casting a ballot seems a reasonable request for one’s civic responsibility. Of course, given the flood of illegal immigrants flooding the country, perhaps there are other reasons why the democrats want to send out millions of untraceable ballots that will require no authentication. In some ways, such a proposition brings into greater clarity which political party is exhibiting racist tendencies.


There is perhaps little doubt that given their congressional majorities the political left will succeed in their attempt at election appropriation.


Of course, they seem to be overlooking one minor flaw in their grand scheme.


The rules still matter, and the rules always seem to find a way to upset such nefarious plans.


Consider this troublesome little clause in the United States Constitution, Article. 1, § 4, that reads as follows:


“The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but Congress may at any time make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Place of chusing Senators.”


Before somebody tries to point out that Congress can change the regulations, it is important to understand there is no prescribed methodology for doing so, and that Congress will need to explain its reasoning in court. There will no doubt be lawsuits filed in protest of such passed legislation, and saying they can just do so will not be successful in any federal court. In addition, such lawsuits will linger into the next Congress, and it will prove a much bigger lift once the facts are presented to the American people.


As a quick, and we mean very quick, proof of this belief is that Roe v. Wade was a Supreme Court decision on personal privacy that the left posited as a ruling on legal abortion. In almost 50 years, why has no Congress ever codified that belief into law? Because they knew it would never pass. This is why the are trying to break the rules to get their agenda passed.


The founders and framers constructed the Constitution in such a way as to prevent such actions. For almost 234 years, the process has worked.




Because the rules still matter.



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