Wednesday, April 28, 2021

A Pictire Is Worth More Than A Thousand Words.

 On April 28th, 2021, The Madison Conservative listened intently to President Biden's first address to Congress.

We will be discussing the more salient points in upcoming posts, but we believe the picture below best exemplifies how our history and our future feels about the 99 dau disaster that is the Biden Presidency.

 And again, Mr. President, you are able to boast of your supposed success on the Covid vaccines because of the work of President Donald J. Trump.


Sunday, April 18, 2021

In Support of the Thinning Blue Line


The cure for the evils of democracy is more democracy!


H. L. Mencken, Notes on Democracy, 1926


When any given politician is caught with his hand in the metaphorical cookie jar, one could time, in milliseconds, how long before said politician is before a bank of microphones declaring they will be fully vindicated, because, as they note with much gravitas, “we are a nation of laws”.

This is absolutely true. Most Americans believe, and conduct themselves, that laws are to be respected and enforced.

Sadly, there are way too many examples of politicians never being held to account for breaking laws.

That is not our concern for this post.

What is of concern is the falling level of support for those we entrust with the enforcement of the law.

The Madison Conservative stands staunchly behind all law enforcement officers. History has shown us that any law is only as strong as the enforcement mechanisms attached to it. We, as a society, vest law enforcement with extraordinary powers, with the rights of enforcing the law on all of us.

It takes a unique personality to accept that responsibility.

Sadly, the pool of available applicants can only be drawn from the human race, a most flawed collection if ever there was one.

When an officer is found to be lacking, we have a process for removing them from their position of power.

To the disgust and dismay of The Madison Conservative, elected officials across the nation are opting into the policy of defunding and restricting the police. Of note, of course, is that in Washington, D.C., those proclamations of idiocy are made with the security of the Capitol Police and from behind barbed wire fortifications. Local officials have staunchly diminished their local law enforcement with declarations of solidarity with those making the defunding demands. They then hire private decurity forces, at taxpayer expense, to provide them security.

Hypocrite seems too weak a description.

There is no doubt that the cases of police-involved shootings are making national news. We do not wish to dismiss the loss of any life, but what percentage of police interactions fall into the use of deadly force?

Police must be, and are, accountable for their use of deadly force.

The concept of defunding the police, or replacing them with social workers, does not rise to the level of a serious discussion. So wee will not do so here.

There does need to be a national debate on some sections of law enforcement, however.

We have no experience with law enforcement, so what follows can be described as amateur at best, but there has to be a beginning.


A recent talk show had a proponent of police being armed with wooden or rubber bullets. The argument was that the police needed the ability to stop a perpetrator, but not have the ability to kill. Given the recent incident of confusing a gun for a taser, arming police with a non-lethal arsenal merits serious consideration. This is not support for disarming police, but giving them the tools to control situations without the ability to kill.


The United States military functions under what is called the UCMJ - the Uniform Code of Military Justice. The UCMJ is necessary because of the unique nature of military operations and authorities of military personnel. It may be time to consider a version for the police. Many instances of police deadly interactions do not fit into conventional criminal codes. Given we grant special powers to police, a special criminal code should be taken seriously..


The last concept is doubtful to be considered, given financial and union realities, but we believe that putting police back on the beat is the best way to secure police being active members of a community, and not merely a police car appearing when needed. Familiarity with police breeds a unique comfort level with the citizenry.

No reasonable person wants to abolish the police, but bringing them into the fold would do wonders.


As the process continues through the legislative halls of America, consider the alternative to a no police world.


We recommend that the next time you see a police officer, share a thumbs up, say thanks, or buy them a cup of coffee. Remember, they are the good guys.

They protect us from the bad guys.




The Cowardly Lie of America's 'Original Sin'


The cure for the evils of democracy is more democracy!


H. L. Mencken, Notes on Democracy, 1926


Cowardice is an interesting paradigm. It needs to inflict fear in others, while never exhibiting courage itself. It survives on creating lies to justify its own existence. It will protect itself at any and all costs, regardless of the cost to others.

Following this model, it is undeniable that those on the political left who are espousing the belief that America was borne with original sin, and thus must be torn down and recreated into a funhouse image of democracy, are cowards.

The limitations of time and format preclude a detailed point by point rebuttal, but there are several bullet points that must be brought into the discussion.

In these times of general silliness, we must first acknowledge that almost everybody on the planet abhors the concept and usage of slavery. The thought of subjugating any human being to the horrors of slavery is anathema to the mind of a free people. That statement being made, it must also be said that slavery is still a very prosperous enterprise in todays world. One only look to the cartels on the United States southern border who traffic in the selling of human beings as property to see the practice of slavery is active. 

Those issues must be resolved, today, but the focus of this post is to reject the spreading cowardice that America can never be a ‘good’ nation because of its founding included slavery.

In some ways, that statement is akin to a house that was built in the 1970’s. It has an excellent foundation, has weathered countless storms, provided safety and security for generations, but is dismissed by 2021 house buyers as a useless artifact that should be torn down and replaced with something new. The basis for their belief is that despite all of its critical excellence, it has shag carpeting.

America may have some lead paint, leaky windows and paneling in the basement, but those who wish to tear it down seem to have never read the preamble to the United States Constitution. “In order to form a more perfect union”. The founders and the framers had no illusions that they created a masterpiece of a nation. They built in the processes for future generations to change and alter it as they saw fit. Of course, that process does not include setting fire to federal courts, firebombing small businesses, changing status by presidential fiat, or forcing the rules to change because they are in the way of radical, unconstitutional change.

There is a singular category for all who would demand change by such actions.





The 1619 Project attempts to say that when the first slave ships arrived in the continental United States, specifically the shore of Virginia, that such an act stained America as a hateful nation. Query: given that those slaves were bought as property, who was it that sold them?

Slavery as evil has already been acknowledged. The issue is that from 1619 until 1776, this land was a British colony, governed by British law. Before howls of protest begin that such a statement is evidence of white supremacy passing the buck, deflecting blame and avoiding responsibility, take a deep breath and read onward.

The history of slavery is the history of human civilization.  From the earliest establishment of a society, if that group did battle with another group and won, the vanquished were either killed or taken as slaves to do as the victors chose. When the pharaohs of ancient Egypt went on a pyramid building binge, the craftsmen were Egyptians pressed into service by the pharaoh. Those doing the back-breaking menial toil were slaves. The same holds for every cibilization. It causes one to ponder why there are not reparation movements against the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans and so on and so on.


Holding a small group of men for the history of, and evils of, slavery seems to be the work of cowards.


When discussing the Constitution, the ignorant point to the fact that black folks were only considered to be 3/5th of a person. By any 2021 metric, this is of course heinous. The Constitution, however, was written in the late 1780’s. In that single description, the framers and founders declared that slaves, who throughout human history were merely property, were in fact people. The founders were attempting to change the track of history, doing what no other society had ever undertaken. The 3/5th is  more than half. In 2021, that is vile. In 1789, it was heretical.


This nation spilled blood in a war to finally end slavery. Todays political left seems comfortable ignoring that from the Civil War onwards, the KKK, Jim Crow, and objections to the Civil Rights laws of the 1960’s emanated from a single political party.

The Democrats.


Hatred and ignorance are part of the human condition. For those who may doubt that, do a search on James Byrd Jr and find a reasoned explanation as to why it happened. Open and honest discussions for any issue is the way to educate each other and find common ground. We will never eradicate racisim, and any politician who claims that this or that policy or law will do so is a coward. Talking reparations seems to be a way to buy off the supposed 400 years of oppression. Is that what comes from those who dreamed that their children would have their equality of standing? It says something, something cowardly, that people can sell their dignity for the right price.

We must hold fast that America is the greatest nation that has ever existed. All we need to maintain that status is to together as a people to pick up a paintbrush, help each other pull up that shag carpet and pull down the paneling. It is our birthright and our responsibility.

Because we are not a nation of cowards.

We are Americans.      







Monday, April 12, 2021

The Price of Free Speech Must Remain Free


The cure for the evils of democracy is more democracy!


H. L. Mencken, Notes on Democracy, 1926



One of history’s greatest accomplishments has been the creation and implementation of the United States Constitution. It embodies the freedoms that had eluded people for millennia. Enshrined within its pages, it establishes that certain rights are firmly in the grasp of the individual, and no person or entity can infringe on those rights.


Perhaps no right is more fundamental to a free people than the right of free speech. Remove or hinder that right, and democracy perishes right before our eyes.

We are precipitously close to the point of no return where free speech is concerned.




The internet has no real physical foundation. The hardware may be tangible, but its implementation resides in the thoughts and beliefs of the individual.


There are of course numerous sites around where one must pay a fee or membership to gain access to the content. That is capitalism in action and the Madison Conservative fully supports such endeavors.


The concern is with the concept of cancel culture and free speech on the internet.


There are a multitude of social media platforms, from Facebook, Twitter, and their like, that charge no fee to their clients but exist in a nebulous environment as it relates to their content. They create no real original anything, they merely offer an opportunity for people to provide material for their platforms.


You do not have to pay a fee to be on those platforms, merely part with some personal information. Providing such data is the consumers choice; if you don’t want to share personal info, you don’t have the opportunity to tweet.

These platforms do not pay for their spot on the information superhighway, but make a large amount of money from advertising.


In other words, they are monetizing the internet infrastructure for their own profit without having to pay for that access.


There is an argument to be made that such a scenario is mildly bizarre, but that is for another post.


The central question here is how do social media platforms justify ‘banning’ users from their sites?


On one hand, they claim to not be responsible for the content posted, that they are merely a vehicle for others. They make that claim while undertaking the process of censuring speech they deem to be false, misleading, or not in line with ‘their values’.


If they are editing content, they should fall under the laws and regulations of the media and the accompanying liabilities.


The most prominent example of course has been the removal of former president Donald trumps social media accounts. They deemed his content to be all sorts of bad.


Utter nonsense. They first tried labelling his content as other types of bad. Editing and labeling the thoughts and opinions of others seems awfully close to shutting down free speech, or rather speech that the tech industry deems dangerous.


The case of Hunter Biden is an excellent example. In the months leading up to the 2020 election, the New York Post reported that Hunter Biden’s laptop had information that could be problematic for Joe Biden. The tech industry shut down the Post’s social media accounts and labelled the story as absolutely false. A letter from 50 former national intelligence officers claiming the story was Russian disinformation was freely circulated. President Trump tweeted often about it, and his account was temporarily suspended.


Free speech was cancelled.


Of course, the nation has learned that the F.B.I. had the laptop and that the Department of Justice has opened an investigation of Hunter Biden.


While obviously not complete, the search of posts by the tech industry conducted by The Madison Conservative has yet to find any acknowledgement from those responsible that they actively engaged in the censuring of free speech, while lying.


This is a dangerous step in the devolution of American freedoms.


Those responsible must be held to account by their subscribers – the American people.


The Madison Conservative does not believe in boycotts, or for the firing of people. We do ask the citizenry to consider where they put their support. We believe such reflection will be of great concern to the world of social media.


Which is as it should be.


No one, no enterprise, should ever have the ability to silence your voice, especially while making a profit from your personal data.





Friday, April 9, 2021

Preserve, Protect & Defend.

The cure for the evils of democracy is more democracy!


H. L. Mencken, Notes on Democracy, 1926



On April 8th, 2021, President Joseph Biden, leader of the free world and a man who swore an oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, made the following statement:

'No amendment is absolute'.

The comment alone should be enough to break the heart of any citizen who holds the Constitution in any type of regard.


He made the comment while attempting to explain that executive actions he took with respect to gun related issues was preceded by his belief that any disagreement on his executive actions was, to quote, “phony second amendment arguments”.


The Madison Conservative will be discussing the second amendment actions taken by Biden in a later post.


The more immediate issue is what must be taken as a blatant move by Biden and the political left to transform America in their own warped image, the sacrosanct governing document be damned.


This is not hyperbole. There is no other explanation to be had if the chief executive officer of the nation declares that the rules are malleable to his individual whim. If no amendment is absolute, then they have lost any validity.


Consider the ten commandments for a minute.  If no commandment is absolute, what value do they have? Does ‘Thou shall not commit murder” mean unless your neighbor’s lawnmower runs too early on a Saturday morning, which then makes the murder not so much an act against God and man, but more of a local noise dispute settled out of court. They are not the 10 Suggestions for a reason.

It seems to rattle the political left when they are told this nation was founded on a Judeo-Christian ethic.  They try to argue against it, but the facts are the facts.


The founders and framers did not configure their new country with a rough outline. They wrote a process for future generations to follow as America pursued its mission to “form a more perfect union.”


The Constitution has not a single word within it that speaks of a president’s unilateral opinions becoming edict into law.


In a single fell swoop, Joe Biden tipped his hand that following a legislative process means nothing. He sees the Constitution as somebody else’s idea, of which he is not constrained to follow.


Free speech? Only if approves. Repealing slavery? Maybe. One has to wonder if Kamala Harris understands the import of all this. There is the 25th amendment dealing with presidential succession. In no amendment is absolute, maybe Kamala can pull off a coup.


It was not that long ago that Donald Trump was portrayed as a dictator wanna-be. Few presidents in recent memory have so closely followed the limits of power in the Constitution than President Trump.


Given his propensity for acting on his own view and whims, his statement about amendments not being absolute, the American electorate must remain highly vigilant.


The Constitution can be open to interpretation, hence the existence of the Supreme Court, designed to wrestle with issues of constitutionality.


If Joe Biden governs under the delusion that his opinion alone is paramount, America will fall.


The Constitution must be preserved, protected and defended at all costs.


Which is what Biden swore an oath to do.






Thursday, April 8, 2021


The cure for the evils of democracy is more democracy!


H. L. Mencken, Notes on Democracy, 1926



There is a well-worn turn of a phrase that goes something along the lines of every revolution begins with one person saying ‘NO’. History has proven the axiom true, but in these most interesting of times, amid the cancel culture and government/media/corporate overreach, each and every citizen has an inannihilable right, has the absolute right of ‘NO’, courtesy of the founders and framers.

When constructing the United States Constitution, they had experienced tyranny firsthand and understood the failings of overreaching power.

The Madison Conservative is woefully unqualified to delve into a Constitution doctoral thesis within this blog, but we do ask you to consider several quick points.

President Obama, a constitutional educator, spoke regretfully that our defining document was, in his opinion, a list of ‘negative rights’, what the government was prohibited from doing to its citizens.

He was exactly correct in his belief, but we believe he failed to understand what he was saying.

Yes, the Constitution does limit what the government can do, and thank God for that. What the Biden administration is attempting to do in limiting freedoms is exactly what the Constitution prohibits Biden from doing.

Consider, in the briefest of overviews, the singular right given by the framers and founders.


To wit:



You have the right to express your thoughts and beliefs, whatever they may be. If anyone, even the government, tries to limit, forbid, or censure that speech, the Constitutions gives the right to use a single word response.


You have the right to practice your faith however you choose. Before someone tries to inject nonsense into this point, the expression of religion is isolated to you specifically. Your right of religious expression is limited to you and you alone. Again, if that right is infringed upon by any person or government entity, your constitutionally protected response is the same.


The government is NOT allowed to prevent your right of free assembly. The government cannot limit the performance of a free press. As an aside, the current state of mass media seems content surrendering this right. The American people should stand up and collectively say NO.


The SECOND AMENDMENT. – This seems to be a perpetual thorn in the side of the political left. As of this writing – 4/8/2021, President Biden signed executive orders with regards to limiting the right to bear arms. He spoke almost dismissively that these executive orders had nothing to do with ‘that phony second amendment argument”. With all due respect Mr. President, they actually do, and it is the hope of the Madison Conservative that you will soon hear 75 million voices strong deliver a NO.


The FOURTH AMENDMENT – The government wants to take your stuff without warrant or cause.



The FIFTH AMENDMENT – The government wants you to tell them what you know. Telling them may incriminate you. Look the government directly in the eye and tell them NO.


With our apologies, we will jump to the 10th amendment. The 4th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th are not subordinate to those discussed, but brevity takes priority here.


The TENTH AMENDMENT – The government can only do what the Constitution allows it to do. If it is not delineated within the Constitution, the rights in question fall to the states and the citizens. Given the Biden administration’s apparent overreach on almost everything, this right is particularly significant. The news is replete with stories about states taking the federal government to court over this action or that policy. In almost every report, it is presented that the state in question is behaving like a spoiled child.

Actually, the state is doing what is its constitutional right.

Saying NO.

It is their, and our, most important right.

The Madison Conservative endorses the electorate to avail itself of NO as often as they feel the need.

NO is as American as it gets.

After all, this nation started by telling England NO.










Thursday, April 1, 2021

Trump 2022


The cure for the evils of democracy is more democracy!


H. L. Mencken, Notes on Democracy, 1926



April 1st, 2021.

(Please note the date as it may enter into things.)


It can be stated without any equivocation that America, as a nation, is living through interesting times. Each new day it is reported that a single word, spoken by citizens for decades with no thought of injury or malice is now part of a white supremacist, racist lexicon.

Individuals who merely ask questions around events, organizations, and even legislation are beaten down on social media platforms and labelled conspiracy theory agitators who, the media explain, must be shunned by society.

Never an organization to miss the opportunity to be ostracized for merely asking a question, The Madison Conservative offers this solution to the cancel culture.

Trump 2022!

We understand that many will question how this would be possible given that the next presidential election is not to be held until 2024.

No doubt, many will claim, that we have gone off our faith and belief in the United States Constitution and supplanted that belief with some wild-eyed theory.

Trump 2022? Surely, we jest!


Actually, the Constitution provides an easy and rather benign process for President Trump to return to the oval office.


Consider this.


The Constitution does not require the speaker to be an incumbent member of the House of Representatives, although every speaker thus far has been. The Speaker is second in line of presidential succession after only the vice-president.


It is conceivable that given the Democrats narrow majority in the house, and how they have forced the nation to the hard left, that the political right could assume legislative power in the 2022 mid-terms.  Given his personality and rather substantial administration accomplishments, Trump could be elected Speaker of the House.


The House could then impeach Joe Biden for being incapable of performing the duties of the office. It would certainly put the Democrats in an intriguing position. Support a man clearly in decline by blocking the possibility for the first woman president. It is a fair bet President Joe will be packing his belongings and returning to Delaware for a nice long rest.


President Trump was impeached twice, once for a phone call that was innocuous at best, and a second time for words he did not say on January 6th. To those who would claim the Madison Conservative is perpetuating the ‘big lie’, we suggest they go watch the footage of his speech. It is readily available.


The Democrats held no hearings, brought no witnesses, simply impeached him, adding language that he could never hold elective office again. The measure failed, but it does make one wonder if they had concerns about this Madison Conservative proposal.


With the nonsensical reasons for both of Trump’s impeachments, finding something of note with Kamala Harris should be a breeze. After voting to remove Biden, given an abundance of evidence against Harris, the Senate will have to act and remove Harris.


That would bring up the Speaker of the House, Donald J. Trump. With majorities in the house and Senate, Trump can finish the work he started.


Seems a fairly balanced concept.


Enjoy the day, and remember to laugh at the absurdity of it all.