Friday, April 9, 2021

Preserve, Protect & Defend.

The cure for the evils of democracy is more democracy!


H. L. Mencken, Notes on Democracy, 1926



On April 8th, 2021, President Joseph Biden, leader of the free world and a man who swore an oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, made the following statement:

'No amendment is absolute'.

The comment alone should be enough to break the heart of any citizen who holds the Constitution in any type of regard.


He made the comment while attempting to explain that executive actions he took with respect to gun related issues was preceded by his belief that any disagreement on his executive actions was, to quote, “phony second amendment arguments”.


The Madison Conservative will be discussing the second amendment actions taken by Biden in a later post.


The more immediate issue is what must be taken as a blatant move by Biden and the political left to transform America in their own warped image, the sacrosanct governing document be damned.


This is not hyperbole. There is no other explanation to be had if the chief executive officer of the nation declares that the rules are malleable to his individual whim. If no amendment is absolute, then they have lost any validity.


Consider the ten commandments for a minute.  If no commandment is absolute, what value do they have? Does ‘Thou shall not commit murder” mean unless your neighbor’s lawnmower runs too early on a Saturday morning, which then makes the murder not so much an act against God and man, but more of a local noise dispute settled out of court. They are not the 10 Suggestions for a reason.

It seems to rattle the political left when they are told this nation was founded on a Judeo-Christian ethic.  They try to argue against it, but the facts are the facts.


The founders and framers did not configure their new country with a rough outline. They wrote a process for future generations to follow as America pursued its mission to “form a more perfect union.”


The Constitution has not a single word within it that speaks of a president’s unilateral opinions becoming edict into law.


In a single fell swoop, Joe Biden tipped his hand that following a legislative process means nothing. He sees the Constitution as somebody else’s idea, of which he is not constrained to follow.


Free speech? Only if approves. Repealing slavery? Maybe. One has to wonder if Kamala Harris understands the import of all this. There is the 25th amendment dealing with presidential succession. In no amendment is absolute, maybe Kamala can pull off a coup.


It was not that long ago that Donald Trump was portrayed as a dictator wanna-be. Few presidents in recent memory have so closely followed the limits of power in the Constitution than President Trump.


Given his propensity for acting on his own view and whims, his statement about amendments not being absolute, the American electorate must remain highly vigilant.


The Constitution can be open to interpretation, hence the existence of the Supreme Court, designed to wrestle with issues of constitutionality.


If Joe Biden governs under the delusion that his opinion alone is paramount, America will fall.


The Constitution must be preserved, protected and defended at all costs.


Which is what Biden swore an oath to do.






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