Thursday, April 8, 2021


The cure for the evils of democracy is more democracy!


H. L. Mencken, Notes on Democracy, 1926



There is a well-worn turn of a phrase that goes something along the lines of every revolution begins with one person saying ‘NO’. History has proven the axiom true, but in these most interesting of times, amid the cancel culture and government/media/corporate overreach, each and every citizen has an inannihilable right, has the absolute right of ‘NO’, courtesy of the founders and framers.

When constructing the United States Constitution, they had experienced tyranny firsthand and understood the failings of overreaching power.

The Madison Conservative is woefully unqualified to delve into a Constitution doctoral thesis within this blog, but we do ask you to consider several quick points.

President Obama, a constitutional educator, spoke regretfully that our defining document was, in his opinion, a list of ‘negative rights’, what the government was prohibited from doing to its citizens.

He was exactly correct in his belief, but we believe he failed to understand what he was saying.

Yes, the Constitution does limit what the government can do, and thank God for that. What the Biden administration is attempting to do in limiting freedoms is exactly what the Constitution prohibits Biden from doing.

Consider, in the briefest of overviews, the singular right given by the framers and founders.


To wit:



You have the right to express your thoughts and beliefs, whatever they may be. If anyone, even the government, tries to limit, forbid, or censure that speech, the Constitutions gives the right to use a single word response.


You have the right to practice your faith however you choose. Before someone tries to inject nonsense into this point, the expression of religion is isolated to you specifically. Your right of religious expression is limited to you and you alone. Again, if that right is infringed upon by any person or government entity, your constitutionally protected response is the same.


The government is NOT allowed to prevent your right of free assembly. The government cannot limit the performance of a free press. As an aside, the current state of mass media seems content surrendering this right. The American people should stand up and collectively say NO.


The SECOND AMENDMENT. – This seems to be a perpetual thorn in the side of the political left. As of this writing – 4/8/2021, President Biden signed executive orders with regards to limiting the right to bear arms. He spoke almost dismissively that these executive orders had nothing to do with ‘that phony second amendment argument”. With all due respect Mr. President, they actually do, and it is the hope of the Madison Conservative that you will soon hear 75 million voices strong deliver a NO.


The FOURTH AMENDMENT – The government wants to take your stuff without warrant or cause.



The FIFTH AMENDMENT – The government wants you to tell them what you know. Telling them may incriminate you. Look the government directly in the eye and tell them NO.


With our apologies, we will jump to the 10th amendment. The 4th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th are not subordinate to those discussed, but brevity takes priority here.


The TENTH AMENDMENT – The government can only do what the Constitution allows it to do. If it is not delineated within the Constitution, the rights in question fall to the states and the citizens. Given the Biden administration’s apparent overreach on almost everything, this right is particularly significant. The news is replete with stories about states taking the federal government to court over this action or that policy. In almost every report, it is presented that the state in question is behaving like a spoiled child.

Actually, the state is doing what is its constitutional right.

Saying NO.

It is their, and our, most important right.

The Madison Conservative endorses the electorate to avail itself of NO as often as they feel the need.

NO is as American as it gets.

After all, this nation started by telling England NO.










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