Thursday, April 1, 2021

Trump 2022


The cure for the evils of democracy is more democracy!


H. L. Mencken, Notes on Democracy, 1926



April 1st, 2021.

(Please note the date as it may enter into things.)


It can be stated without any equivocation that America, as a nation, is living through interesting times. Each new day it is reported that a single word, spoken by citizens for decades with no thought of injury or malice is now part of a white supremacist, racist lexicon.

Individuals who merely ask questions around events, organizations, and even legislation are beaten down on social media platforms and labelled conspiracy theory agitators who, the media explain, must be shunned by society.

Never an organization to miss the opportunity to be ostracized for merely asking a question, The Madison Conservative offers this solution to the cancel culture.

Trump 2022!

We understand that many will question how this would be possible given that the next presidential election is not to be held until 2024.

No doubt, many will claim, that we have gone off our faith and belief in the United States Constitution and supplanted that belief with some wild-eyed theory.

Trump 2022? Surely, we jest!


Actually, the Constitution provides an easy and rather benign process for President Trump to return to the oval office.


Consider this.


The Constitution does not require the speaker to be an incumbent member of the House of Representatives, although every speaker thus far has been. The Speaker is second in line of presidential succession after only the vice-president.


It is conceivable that given the Democrats narrow majority in the house, and how they have forced the nation to the hard left, that the political right could assume legislative power in the 2022 mid-terms.  Given his personality and rather substantial administration accomplishments, Trump could be elected Speaker of the House.


The House could then impeach Joe Biden for being incapable of performing the duties of the office. It would certainly put the Democrats in an intriguing position. Support a man clearly in decline by blocking the possibility for the first woman president. It is a fair bet President Joe will be packing his belongings and returning to Delaware for a nice long rest.


President Trump was impeached twice, once for a phone call that was innocuous at best, and a second time for words he did not say on January 6th. To those who would claim the Madison Conservative is perpetuating the ‘big lie’, we suggest they go watch the footage of his speech. It is readily available.


The Democrats held no hearings, brought no witnesses, simply impeached him, adding language that he could never hold elective office again. The measure failed, but it does make one wonder if they had concerns about this Madison Conservative proposal.


With the nonsensical reasons for both of Trump’s impeachments, finding something of note with Kamala Harris should be a breeze. After voting to remove Biden, given an abundance of evidence against Harris, the Senate will have to act and remove Harris.


That would bring up the Speaker of the House, Donald J. Trump. With majorities in the house and Senate, Trump can finish the work he started.


Seems a fairly balanced concept.


Enjoy the day, and remember to laugh at the absurdity of it all.




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