Saturday, January 29, 2022

Memo: Confusion & A Question

The cure for the evils of democracy is more democracy!


H. L. Mencken, Notes on Democracy, 1926



To: President Joe Biden

From: The Madison Conservative

Subj: Confusion and a question


Dear Mr. President,

We understand you’re busy so we’ll try and make this quick. This whole situation with Russia massing troops on the Ukrainian border is of course troublesome and no doubt is occupying most of your time. Nobody wants to see countries invaded, but given Ukraine is not a member of NATO, and the EU, especially Germany, seems content to avoid engaging in the issue, why are so many in the political class being so apoplectic about it? You gave away our energy independence, and then gave permission to Russia to complete their pipeline in order to become the largest energy supplier to Europe. We’re not sure what all of this has to do with Ukraine, but it leads us to a single question we believe needs to be answered, the sooner the better.

Does Ukraine have some special hold on you?

We mean no disrespect, sir, but something surely seems amiss when it comes to you and Ukraine.

Please consider the following.

Your son Hunter, who had absolutely no energy management experience or skill, somehow secured a position on the board of Ukraine’s largest natural gas company, Burisma.  Now to be fair, given you were vice-president at the time, you would have to forgive folks from thinking that giving a high-priced job to an unqualified individual with powerful connections might sound just a bit unethical. Naturally, officials in the Ukrainian government must have thought so as well, and those suspicions formed the basis of their investigation into Burisma.

You have demonstrated your frustration and anger when you believe you have been misquoted, so to avoid raising your ire, here is the quote you gave with respect to the lead Ukrainian investigator. In your own words, as you regaled your audience on the particulars:


“I said, ‘You’re not getting the billion.’ I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money,’” you recalled telling Prime Minister Poroshenko.

“Well, son of a bitch, he got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time,”

To be honest Mr. President, a Vice-president of the United States injecting himself into such an issue which involves a family member sure sounds unethical to a lot of the electorate. It smacks of a bully pushing people around for his own pleasure.

An ugly presentation to be sure.

You spoke about President Trump being a dictator for asking the head of another country to investigate a political rival of his. You whined that such a request was a stain on this nation and thus you supported the impeachment and removal from office of President Trump.  Trump’s explanation for asking Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate you was that you tried to quash an investigation into a Ukrainian company on whose board of directors Hunter served. If you check the tape from which we quoted, that’s exactly what you did, and what you bragged about. It seems disgustingly hypocritical to claim somebody is a stain on democracy who was simply attempting to bring clarity to what you acknowledged you did.

You and the political left pounced on Trumps phone call with the Ukrainian leader as the foundation for his imbecilic impeachment.

You had a conversation this week with the Ukrainian Prime Minister on the issue of Russia, and the reporting is in absolute conflict. It could be cleared up if you would do as Trump did and release the transcript of the call.

Summing up, you and your son have engaged in questionable dealings with Ukraine, a phone call to Ukraine was used to impeach a United States President, and you are using Ukraine as an instigation to foment fear throughout the western world.

We have a single question, Mr. President.

What is it with you and Ukraine?

A nation waits for the answer.





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