Thursday, January 20, 2022

The Biden Press Conference - 1-19-2022 A Commentary


The cure for the evils of democracy is more democracy!


H. L. Mencken, Notes on Democracy, 1926



The President of the United States held a press conference yesterday (1/19/22). Reviews of his performance range from it being a masterful example of leadership to it being an absolute train-wreck of incoherence.Top of Form

The Madison Conservative opts not to comment on the performance as we believe it falls into the category of political theater.

With that declaration, however, we believe that the factual errors must be addressed. This post will be a cursory overview of Biden’s blatant lies; subsequent posts will delve into each issue as independent discussions.

In no particular order:

1 – JOBS – Biden and his administration keep touting that they have created more jobs in a single year than any administration in history, believing the number justify their claim. The fact is that after the economic shutdown of 2020, the reopening of the economy was going to have a surge of people returning to work. The truth is that if Daffy Duck had been elected, he could claim his policies resulted in the same numbers. People were going to go back to work – Biden had no hand in it.

1A – UNEMPLOYMENT – Biden claims his policies have resulted in record unemployment, now under 4 percent. He fails to follow that statistic with the fact that the labor participation rate has also fallen. In other words, there are fewer people looking for work, who have stopped looking for work, so naturally the percentages will fall. The only part Biden has played is his policy of paying people to stay home. It is unsustainable. The reckoning is coming, and Biden has no plan to address it.

2-VACCINES – Biden continually attempts to take credit for the number of shots in arms, spewing forth numbers that demonstrate how few Americans were vaccinated when he took office as opposed to the hundreds of millions now with at least one shot. The fact is that both he and the vice-president – who trash talked the vaccines during the campaign – were among the first people vaccinated in December, 2020. Biden never acknowledges the herculean efforts of President Trump who handed off three vaccines to him. Starting at zero, Biden's numbers had no where else to go but up. Taking credit for someone else's work is infuriating. The next time this administration touts the vaccine number, remember to ask them where they got them from in the first place.


3 - VOTING RIGHTS – Biden stumbled into office holding high the banner of unity, claiming he would be the ‘uniter-in-chief’.  At his press conference, he then claimed that unless his voting rights bill was passed,  Republicans would thwart the minority community’s ability to vote. The disgusting nature of such a claim is beneath the dignity of his office and this Constitutional discussion platform  to address. There are two salient points to make that perhaps the president has forgotten. His attempt to federalize all elections – wildly unconstitutional – was voted down because DEMOCRATS sided with reality. It is a warning sign that 48 Democrats thought acting unconstitutionally was a good idea. Secondly, the political left’s obsession with changing voting laws was predicated on the belief that Georgia’s voting law was ‘Jim Crow 2.0’ Aside from the fact it was Democrats who instituted the Jim Crow laws, nobody seems to have made note that the Georgia law makes it EASIER to vote. In addition, Georgia is much less restrictive than, say, Delaware, the President's home state. Given his almost 50 year political career, he never sought to address the crushing Delaware election laws.

We could continue to delineate the leader of the free worlds’ lies and hypocrisy, but we believe the point has been made on the topics he was asked about. We will address his foreign policy comments in a subsequent post, and as noted a deeper dive into the topics written about here.

A final thought is the curious omission by the press corps on asking Biden if he had an accurate and current number of Americans he abandoned during his cowardly retreat from Afghanistan.  Our fellow citizens must not be forgotten, and Biden must be held to account and answer for his cowardice.

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