Wednesday, January 19, 2022

The November 11th, 1755 Warning


The cure for the evils of democracy is more democracy!


H. L. Mencken, Notes on Democracy, 1926



The Madison Conservative was founded with the intent of bringing the United States Constitution into the discourse of public policy. Far too many times we heard that an opposing policy platform was a matter of a ‘constitutional crisis’. In more than 230 years and counting, the United States has actually never faced a ‘constitutional crisis’. The founders and framers gave their nation a well-reasoned set of rules, including a set plan for amending it as the nation would see fit. As of today, there are 27 amendments to our Constitution. One amendment even undoes the effect of another. For those unaware, the amendment enacting Prohibition was shortly reversed.

The point is that as a matter of historical truth, all that has kept this the greatest nation the world has ever seen is but a piece of paper. It has never been in ‘crisis’, because as a society

 we have accepted its clear and specific limitations on the power of government over those whom it governs.

What the Madison Conservative finds appalling is the scope of how much the Biden administration has opted to assault our most august founding document.

A phrase that has been widely accepted as coming from a letter by Benjamin Franklin has helped to guide this country when would-be dictators try end runs around the Constitution.

To wit:


“Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.”


The comment is from a letter dated November 11th, 1755 on behalf of the Pennsylvania Assembly to the provincial governor over funding for security on the frontier.

There has been an effort of sorts by some historians to dilute Franklin’s intent by offering “context”.

As the saying goes, when the facts are against you, argue ‘context’.

This is where the Biden administration finds itself today.

A new administration will always pursue their own ideological agenda – that’s what elections are for. There is often no constitutional question with regard to those policy choices, and so The Madison Conservative opts not to engage in policy disputes.


What is alarming however is how often during this first year of Biden’s presidency is how often the argument turns to ‘context’ in the face of an absolute disregard for the United States Constitution and the basic rule of law.

The Supreme Court’s recent ruling on the unconstitutionality of Biden’s vaccine mandates is emblematic of a United States President acting as a totalitarian. Each time the Supreme Court rules against the Biden administration, the political left makes the imbecilic claim that democracy itself is under assault and the only remedy is to add justices to the court in sufficient numbers to assure that unconstitutional acts are deemed to be, in fact, fully legal. They say, in context of course, that the current number of nine justices is arbitrary, so changing the number is not an assault on the Constitution. There have been nine justices for more than 150 years.

So much for context.

The most abhorrent issue, and absolutely unconstitutional, is hearing the President of the United States acknowledge that his policies “probably won’t pass constitutional muster” but in the meantime his administration can “get stuff done.” – (August 3rd, 2021)

What should enrage every citizen is that Biden justifies his conduct on the holy altar of protecting Americans. He spews his disgust at the unvaccinated whom he credits with killing other citizens. He expects America to blindly follow all of his edicts because he is trying to keep us safe. His context is predicated on allegiance to him based on fear.

Consider again Franklin’s warning.

“Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.”


Biden has attempted to utilize Covid-19 aas the root justification for his attempted conversion of America to a socialist paradise. It is important for the electorate to remember that the best defense America has is its belief in the Constitution. It has thwarted the political left at every turn.

The United States Constitution is not about a political agenda. It IS about the rules all politicians must obey in their pursuit of any given agenda.


As of this post, Joe Biden has been the leader of the free world for less than one year. The debates on his policies will continue, but his assault upon the United States Constitution must stop NOW. The only way that can happen is for every citizen to make their voice heard.

Failure to do so will only embolden further degradation of our rights. We must remain vigilant to Franklin’s wisdom.




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