Thursday, February 10, 2022

American Perspective (part three) We The People


The cure for the evils of democracy is more democracy!


H. L. Mencken, Notes on Democracy, 1926


In parts one and two, our intent was to buttress our argument that President Biden and his cronies, flacks and the extreme members of the far left do not have even a basic, fundamental understanding of the United States Constitution. There is no tone of gravitas or repeated claims that will ever support their attempts to ignore the  inconvenient realities of limited government as detailed in our governing document. The blatant assault on liberty is encased in Biden’s rhetoric that parts of the Constitution are “not absolute”. Yes, we do have a fixation in our repeated reminders with regard to the statement. As previously noted, being selective in the rights of Americans would create a nation in which chanting “Let’s Go Brandon”, and our new favorite “Let’s Go Brenda”, could be a crime with accompanying penalties. That would not be the nation envisioned by our founders and framers. It would not be the nation remembered just 10 years ago by those today.

Covid-19 brought much of how government works to the forefront of politics, and where it has lost its way. Mostly how it has lost its way.

The pandemic, we were told, required a two to three-week shutdown of the nation in order to, as it was said “flatten the curve”. In other words, we accepted that doing what we could to help alleviate the impending strain on hospitals, which would be a national health emergency, was the thing to do. All the experts said so. America is nothing if not patriotic and generous, so we did as we were asked.

And then something happened in governments across the land. People of no consequence, who had never amounted to much, grabbed their reins of power and became intoxicated with the sense that their word was law. Mandates began flying, and the stenographic sycophantic mass media began parroting the same lies.

The sad tale of Covid is not our focus in this discussion. The ever-steady encroachment of totalitarianism and the continual erosion of our rights is the topic.

Consider that with very few exceptions, political leaders have made the comment that their intention was to return the rights back to their citizens as quickly as possible.

The rights were not theirs to take, thus they could not be able to return what was not theirs. When pressed on the point about by what authority did he limit those rights, New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy quipped that consulting the United States Constitution was “above my pay grade”.

Therein lies the problem, and why The Madison Conservative constantly stresses the supremacy of the Constitution in matter of public policy.

The American people are as a whole a law-abiding society. They understand that if a law is passed, after rigorous debate from all sides, it is in fact the law and must be obeyed.

Every American will also most certainly chafe at mandates, those edicts handed down by would-be tyrants, regardless of their position. If they believe they have the power, they will use it. They see every issue as a nail and themselves as the hammer.

This is NOT America.

What then should society do to combat this nemesis? We would ask you to familiarize yourself with the Constitution, amendments and all.

When you hear your neighbors make comments in the extreme, there is no need to proselytize.

Try something subtler.

To wit:

“Man, why doesn’t Biden just mandate that everybody follow his mandates?”

Respond with…

“Yeah, but that pesky 10th amendment forbids him from doing so and leaves it to the states. Gotta play by the rules, I guess.”

The conversation might go this way.

“ I saw some idiot on TV last night talking about everything that’s wrong with America. If they don’t like it, tell them to get out.”

And your response…

“Yeah, but the first amendment protects all speech, especially the speech you hate the most. Remember, America, land of the free, for you and for me.”

There are an infinite variations of course, but the conversations must be had. The facts are on the side of those who know the Constitution.

Americans created it, and Americans must defend it.

We The People.






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