Monday, February 7, 2022

American Perspective - (part two) - "Let's Go Brenda!"


The cure for the evils of democracy is more democracy!


H. L. Mencken, Notes on Democracy, 1926


In part one, we challenged President Biden to quantify which constitutional amendments were, in his singular opinion, “not absolute”. President Obama, a former constitutional law instructor, famously and repeatedly lamented that the United States Constitution was a list of “negative rights”, what the government was not permitted to do to the citizenry. Biden seems to want to continue that idiotic line of reasoning by giving himself the power and authority to take the amendments as merely quaint suggestions. When the most powerful political leader on the planet openly discusses how he does not need to play by the rules, the nation should be concerned. The United States Constitution, and ALL of its amendments, are the rules we all live by. The political left, led by Biden, seem intent on changing the restrictions placed on them by the founders and framers. It astounds us that they keep missing the wildly obvious way to change government. The citizenry have made course corrections 27 times in their pursuit of a more perfect union. Their major obstacle of course is they have never been able to convince a majority of the American public to support their ignorance. Throughout the years they have blathered on about equity, fairness, etc., claiming that the Constitution is a tattered remnant of a white supremacist nation founded with the original sin of slavery. At some point we will disassemble that sick narrative, but we do not wish to move too far afield from the topic at hand. The Constitution is a contract between those in charge – the American people – and those they employ on a temporary basis – the government.

Throughout recorded human history, America is the first experiment in self-governance. We have no king, no royal bloodlines, and we hand off power to our representatives every year with no shot having ever been fired.

Our point thus far, from part one to now, has been to exemplify how glorious the Constitution affords rights to the individual above and beyond those in power.

The Madison Conservative has, in print, and without fear of retribution, been taking the leader of the free world to task. How can a blog post by someone with no power base, no political authority, possibly be able to do this?

The answer is simple.

The United States Constitution, amendments and all.

The right to free speech, to protest peaceably to the government for  a redress of my grievances. Never before, and throughout the world today, could that ever be considered a reality.

Which brings us to the chants of ‘Let’s Go Brandon”.

Is the term disrespectful? Yes. Do those who employ it have concerns about Biden’s administration. More than likely.

Where Americans must remain vigilant is how the political left is attempting to label this as ‘hate speech’. There are legislators who have crafted laws making it illegal to use the phrase. Their reasoning is simple – such people are President Trump supporters, and as are all 75 million Americans who voted for Trump, they are white supremacist racist homophobes.

It is possible that they may convince enough fellow legislators to vote in support of such laws, but that falls into the realms of unicorns.

Americans have the right to say what they want about those in temporary power, be it supportive or ‘Let’s Go Brandon’.

Free speech is an inalienable right: it’s inherent to the franchise.

That fact makes Speaker Pelosi’s recent Olympics comments so troubling. On more than one occasion, she expressed to our athletes that they should only compete, but say nothing about the most totalitarian regime in the world today. She offered the statements as a warning to Americans going to China that they should say nothing that might anger their Chinese hosts. She inferred that if they did, America could not guarantee their safety.

Excuse us?

If any American incites violence, makes threats of physical harm, then they should be held accountable. Pelosi, who in two years has not held a hearing on the origins of Covid, seems to be uncomfortably submissive to a foreign government,

Madame Speaker, that is not the American Way. Regardless of where they may be on the political spectrum, every American has the right to speak. They have a right to believe that their contract with the government assures them of their safety abroad.

Given Joe Biden’s cowardly retreat from Afghanistan, leaving a still unaccounted for numbers of our fellow citizens trapped behind enemy lines, it is easy to understand Pelosi’s similar cowardice with China.

I leave you with this statement, Mrs. Pelosi, and my apologies for the blatant plagiarism.

“Let’s Go Brenda”!. How’s THAT for equity?



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