Sunday, February 13, 2022

2-13-22. Guest Commentary - "Turn The Spigots Back On"


The cure for the evils of democracy is more democracy!


H. L. Mencken, Notes on Democracy, 1926


It would be difficult to argue that there is any manner of success for the American people during the first year of the Biden administration. In an effort to appease the radical political left, Biden has undone all of the successful policies of the Trump years. Elections are about making choices, and with his election, Biden has the authority to dismantle success and tank the American economy and our position of strength on the world stage.

After demonstrating cowardice with his running scared exit from Afghanistan, he signaled to the world and our adversaries in particular that America had transitioned to being a feckless power.

In an attempt to provide a solution to the American people and guidance to a man in mental decline, consider how quickly Biden can reverse America’s fortunes. All he needs to do is to turn the spigot back on for the domestic energy supply.

Remember that on day one of his presidency, Biden cancelled the XL pipeline, and cancelled all federal leases for drilling oil and natural gas. Only seconds before taking those imbecilic actions, America was energy independent and a net exporter of energy. This meant we did not need to engage with nations anywhere on the planet to provide us with oil or natural gas. Experts had determined we had sufficient untapped resources  in this country to support our energy requirements for at lease 100 years. As soon as Biden opted out of that status, it became necessary for him to go hat in hand to ask oil producing nations to increase their production. Given that increasing production would drive down the price, and profits, Biden seemed stunned his requests were ignored. He then released stores of our nations national reserve in hopes of driving down the price. It worked. A gallon  of gas dropped 12 cents for about two weeks. Leadership incarnate.

Biden then gave approval for Russia to to continue building THEIR pipeline to Europe, removing Trump’s sanctions to the contrary.

It was, and is, an absolutely stunningly stupid decision.

After Biden exited from Afghanistan, and turning over control of our energy to Russia, Biden now sees himself on the precipice of a disaster with Ukraine. He has promised ‘tough sanctions’ if Russia invades Ukraine. This policy mirrors the Obama administration’s position on Crimea. That has failed and Crimea is now under Russian control.

Only an idiot would choose to repeat a catastrophic failure.

People are calling for sanctions now, which Biden has resisted.

Here is how turning on the flow of domestic energy solves everything.

Inflation has hit a 40 year high under Joe, driven in large part due to energy costs. Returning to energy independence goes a long way to easing inflation and returning America to prosperity. Turning the spigot back on also helps crash Russia’s economy. Fifty percent of their economy is sustained by selling energy. If we return to exporting energy, not only do we cut our dependence to Russian energy, we can provide a more stable source to many of Russia’s clientele. We accomplish more by being independent than by just hoping new sanctions work. To help assure the collapse of Russia’s threats to Ukraine, we should reimpose the sanctions on the Russian pipeline to Europe. It is difficult to sustain an army without the ability to support it financially.

Biden can solve our energy, inflation and Ukraine concerns with a simple decision. Turn the spigot back on.

There are of course those on the political left who will try to prevent Biden from diverting from his oil-free climate change agenda.

Rather than destroying the American economy in pursuit of such an elusive concept, we propose a simple solution.

Use the American economy and capitalism to address the issue.

Consider this proposal.

We will call it the “America For The World Plan”:

What left leaning progressive could deny the title?

Biden could propose  that the first company which creates a renewable energy source to replace fossil fuels and designs a viable delivery system would become a tax-free company. They would pay no taxes for fifty years. They would sell their patent to the American people for one dollar, and receive a percentage from every use of the patent.

It would work much faster than edicts, mandates, insipid laws and tern loose the economic power of America.

All Biden has to do is to turn the spigots back on.






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