Monday, October 31, 2022

Actually, It IS Our Country - A Commentary


The cure for the evils of democracy is more democracy!


H. L. Mencken, Notes on Democracy, 1926



There is a debate raging across the nation relative to illegal immigration and the disaster that is the Biden administration border policy.

The debate is a simple one. Everybody in America knows that a record number of illegal aliens have streamed across the border in the almost two years of Biden policies. The only people who disagree with those facts are everybody IN the administration. To a person, the statement is that there is no problem at the southern border, because the border is secure. In his pathological hatred of President Trump, Biden has reversed every single Trump immigration policy that was, in fact, WORKING. The current crop of Biden officials have the blood of men, women, and children on their hands.

Partisan, political, hyperbole?


By announcing their open to all border policy, they have allowed human beings to be slaughtered in their attempts to reach America. Young girls have been enslaved in human trafficking. By his ignorance and sadly convoluted logic, a wave of drugs has come flooding across the border.

The administration has failed to act, even in a minimal way, and the media has covered for them by using the euphemism ‘drug overdose’ to define the issue.

The vast majority of those killed by the drugs have NOT overdosed. The term conjures up images of street living addicts, holed up in shooting galleries.

The fact is that of those who have died by these drugs, an overwhelming number were POISENED. Their murderers started making the death in China, and trafficked it across the border by Mexican cartels. They only needed an accomplice in America to complete the slaughter of innocents. That willing assist has come directly from the head of the American government.  Joe Biden has done NOTHING to address the multiple issues relative to his border accountability abstinence. Vice-President Harris, in a demonstration of incompetence the founding fathers would recoil in horror over, has NEVER been to the border, despite being ‘border czar’. She has remained defiant in her comments that the border is secure.

The only exposure the issue has gained in the mass media has been when illegal aliens were shuttled up to Marthas Vineyard.

The response was predictable and swift.

The migrants were escorted off the island to a military base within 48 hours of their arrival, declarations were made about an ‘emergency’, and Florida governor deSantis was labelled a racist and a purveyor of a political ‘stunt’.

Maybe so, but the point had been made. Politicians who spouted how they were ‘sanctuaries’ for illegal aliens had to, as they saying goes, put up or shut up.

The deafening silence was a clear response.

Sadly, no one on the political left asked the Biden administration to address the basic issue, that being to secure the border.

The first responsibility of government is provide safety to its citizens.

The illegal aliens coming across the border are the recipients of the Biden largess, funded by the electorate who are being put into harms way.

Politicians who have attempted to bring voice to this issue have been shouted down as bigots, racists, and all the other names hurled by cowards on the left and by some on the right.

The singular greatest abomination is when politicians claim there is nothing they can do, because illegal aliens have ‘rights by law’.

Actually, no they don’t.

The only rights issued by the Constitution are those secured to Americans by the preamble of that august document.

“WE THE PEOPLE, of the United States…”

The Constitution does not extend to people of any other nation.

It is that simple.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her imbecilic partner in the Senate, Chuck Schumer, continually advocate for the death of human beings on a regular basis.

Whenever they are asked about the issue, all they say is that there must be a ‘comprehensive’ solution to the ‘broken immigration system’.




It would be simple enough to address each aspect of the problem with a specific, singular law. President Trump offered a legislative deal to address the problem, which the two liars dismissed.

For those who feel our comments are overly harsh, remember the meeting, in front of the press, where Trump decided to negotiate in public. Chuck and Nancy then went to the microphones and said Trump could not be reasoned with, so there would be no deal.

What happened to Pelosi’s passion for the DACA kids, those gifts of love from God.

She seems to have dismissed them when they could not be used as a political cudgel against Trump.


The disgrace that is the political left and the accomplices on the right must be held to account for their part in the murder of innocents.


America is for Americans, and the government must protect  her citizens from harm.

That is not cold and heartless.


It is reality.


When the stupid try to claim such sentiments are racist, xenophobic, blah, blah, blah because America was built by immigrants.


True enough, but those immigrants followed the rules, and they understood the cherished prize that was American citizenship. They did not expect to jump in line, to break the law to obtain that status of American citizen.


We would ask you, if you believe in the sanctity of America, to vote for your beliefs.




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