Monday, October 31, 2022

Securing The Franchise - An Opinion Piece


The cure for the evils of democracy is more democracy!


H. L. Mencken, Notes on Democracy, 1926



The Madison Conservative has made the following point before, so forgive us the repetition. We simply believe that it runs through the heart and soul of why America is the greatest nation the world has ever known.


To wit:

At this very moment, somebody on the planet is making the conscious decision to willingly lay down their life. There hope in doing so is that  their ultimate sacrifice will lead to the opportunity for their descendants to have the right to cast a vote.  A vote that would help in the decision-making process for their nation. A vote that would enshrine the fact that they were a free people, part of a society that believed in the promise of democracy.


Consider this for a moment.


The profound act of knowing they might forfeit their life by merely speaking out is a concept dismissed by most of the political left, and a sufficient number of cowards on the political right.


In their pursuit of gaining and holding on to political power, politicians as noted above have bastardized the concept of a vote. They have desecrated the blood spilled to keep this nation free.


That is the sad reality of politics today.  Democrats spew their insipid vitriol on how they alone can preserve democracy.  We believe that such a bold statement merits a quick evaluation.


- The political left has diminished the power of the vote by claiming it is racist/homophobic/xenophobic/not inclusive, etc. to require a government issued I.D. to vote. They never explain why they believe so, and the stenographic sycophantic media never wants to question them. Joe Biden whined that Covid was a pandemic of the unvaccinated. He said the vaccine was free, and anyone who opted out was un-American and wanted to kill grandma.  He failed to note that to get your free vaccine, you had to produce a government issued I.D.

So you’re racist to ask for an ID to vote, but pure as the driven snow to require one to get a shot?

We apologize, because we surely cannot be correct on that, as such a policy would indicate pure idiocy.

- Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Stacey Abrams, and untold celebrities and companies claimed that new voting laws, enacted after the 2020 election debacle, were so racist that it was Jim Crow 2.0 The Jim Crow laws were an abomination, mostly perpetrated by Democrats. The recent reports from Georgia indicate a record number of early voting in the 2022 election. So much for voter suppression.

- The media, across all platforms and ideologies, attempt to quantify the election process to fit a pre-determined narrative. What exactly is an ‘off-year’ election? It sounds as though the media can’t get ratings on the simple and profound act of exercising the right to vote. They ALL blather on about ‘toss-up’ elections, as if they were plot points in the story. Should not EVERY race be a ‘toss-up’? Why do the media choose what to call a ‘safe’ seat? They are Americans, but they still only have one vote. They bring on ‘insiders’, celebrities, and any other ignorant fool willing to announce for whom they will cast their vote. There have been centuries of American patriots who have paid the ultimate price so that the sanctity of the secret vote would be preserved.


By making it a talking point has been the true threat to democracy.


- The political left, led by the tandem embarrassments that are Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senator Chuck Schumer, have supported measures to allow illegal aliens to vote in local elections.


And before the Democrats go apoplectic, ‘illegal alien’ is a status, not an ad hominum attack.  


The obvious question is who then CANNOT vote in an American election. Do we need to await mail-in votes from Transylvania so that we are inclusive of vampires?


The dilution of the vote is an assault upon the United States Constitution. There are several measures we believe can restore the significance and power of the vote.


1-   Early voting is beyond stupid. What we propose is to extend voting to the Saturday before Election Day. That is more than sufficient time for every legal voter to engage in the franchise.

2-    Prohibit ALL financing from ANY source outside the district. In other words, only donations for a congressional seat would be legal if sourced from within THAT district.. A senat seat could only accept funding from within that state. A presidential election could only be funded by American monies.

3-   Any candidate running for office must first resign from any current elected position they hold. No company would tolerate an employee cashing paychecks while they were out interviewing with another company.

There are numerous other proposals we could offer, but they would all be for naught unless every single eligible citizen votes. The Madison Conservative does not endorse any single candidate, but rather supports the goal of 100 percent voter participation. We implore you to restore the power of the vote by actually voting. Find a candidate that best matches your beliefs and then proudly stride into the voting booth and cast your vote.


American democracy does NOT belong to the political class, or even the media.


America is a nation of, for, and by, WE the people.


So please vote and reclaim the franchise, your birthright.    






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