Monday, October 31, 2022

The Madison Conservative Tirade -(part 1 of 4 posts today)


The cure for the evils of democracy is more democracy!


H. L. Mencken, Notes on Democracy, 1926



The Madison Conservative was founded on the belief that the precepts of our governing document, the United States Constitution, had been ignored by the political class and mass media when debating public policy. It often seemed that those in authority had never even read the rules by which our democracy functions. We have attempted to steer clear of  commenting on policies that are more social complaints than constitutional  matters.

This election cycle, however, we have been guided by two bits of wisdom given to us by two of the greatest political minds the world has ever known.


To wit:


 “Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”

John Adams.


And with that starting point…


"All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent."

- Thomas Jefferson.


We are choosing to comment on current events from a citizen view, not necessarily a dispassionate Constitutional perspective. The four posts dated today will be more colloquial in nature, because we believe given the political climate, it is time to rant.

In no particular order:


Joe Biden is a congenital liar, with a pathological hatred of President Trump in particular, and more than 75 million Americans in general. In just the last week, he claimed that gas was over $5.00 a gallon when he took office. It was, in fact, about $2.39 a gallon. He chooses to be immune from responsibility for his policies that have derailed the American economy. Instead, he brags he has made the economy ‘strong as hell.’   He asserts ‘the other guy’ broke the immigration system. In less than two years, more than 3 million illegal aliens have crossed the border. Returning them to their own countries, Biden states, ‘makes no sense.’

We have stated our firm belief that Biden is a coward for both running from the enemy and abandoning American citizens behind enemy lines in Afghanistan. Nobody seems to ask him the numbers of still unaccounted for Americans missing because of his cowardice.

He has assaulted the American oil industry, then lies about the price of gas. He chooses to attempt deals with horrific regimes to replace what he has broken. Every American understands a few calls to Texas, Oklahoma and Alaska could solve the fuel crisis and solve the inflation behemoth he created.

The problem with the political left and the ‘woke’ ideology is that it cannot withstand the light of reason.  Americans will not soon forget the testimony of a Supreme Court Justice nominee declaring she could not define what was a ‘woman’. The question was designed to be a ‘gotcha’ kind of thing, but it demonstrated the fear many have of speaking the truth, using cold hard facts. It may upset many, but in the full of human history, no human being has exited the birth canal as anything other than a male or a female. It’s easy to identify between the two choices. There has never been an option number three. What people choose to do with their lives after reaching adulthood is there business, and by all means, follow whatever you want in pursuit of your image of happiness.


For those who believe in allowing children to be given gender reassignment medical intervention before the age of 18, you are NOT teachers, doctors or anything else. You are child molesters, and need to be prosecuted as such. There is no issue of degree on this point. If you mutilate a child, you must be kept away from society. Remember, however, that even in prison, there is a strict hierarchy. Murderers, thieves, even rapists are part of the tier system. Those who abuse and molest children are at the bottom, and are never safe from retaliation. I wonder if the woke mob will allow bail-less treatment for those who take retribution against child molesters.


Our planet has survived ice ages, meteor strikes that wiped out the dinosaurs, and a whole host of other calamities. For 4 billion years, more or less, Earth has endured. I do not understand how now a Chevy can kill the planet. According to hard data, the climate is ALWAYS changing. I would drop my cynicism on the nonsensical ‘we only have 9 years left’ drivel if only I could get simple answers to three basic questions.

1-   What is the ultimate goal of climate change hucksters? Do they want everywhere on the planet to be palm Beach?

2-   How does bankrupting America get us to your as yet unspecified goal?

3-   If you believe you can affect the climate with your chosen actions, why has nothing changed?


There are a number of other issues we could give voice to, but your time is too valuable to spend listening to me vent.


I would ask if you believe your concerns are not being addressed, find a candidate that echoes your beliefs and then go support them with your vote.


Thanks for listening.




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