Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Election Day 2022 - November 8th, 2022 - A Recap & A Perspective


The cure for the evils of democracy is more democracy!


H. L. Mencken, Notes on Democracy, 1926



The United States Constitution , and the American people, have again been the intentional recipients of the wisdom and faith of the founders.


As it has happened for more than some 233 years and counting, a free people have let their voices be heard. Once again, there was no violent attempts to discard the Constitution in favor of a tyrant.


The media, across all platforms and ideologies have spent much of their time declaring winners and losers. They have quoted polls and suggested rationales to explain why certain elections did not follow their pre-determined scripts. They exhibit the same level of stupidity when declaring that a storm has changed its computer-modeled track. The storm has not changed anything. It is a force of nature and will do what it does. It is the arrogance and idiocy of man that feels they have the ability to forecast events, be it hurricanes or elections. Hubris defined.


There will no doubt be citizens who feel either elated or despondent at the election results.  The wonderful thing about the American people is that they will digest that information and then move on with their lives, as they pursue their individual concepts of a happy life.


We spent last evening following the networks and their election coverage. To see such insipid commentary – again across all platforms and political persuasions – it can seem a miracle that the elections can happen at all.


The Constitution was so brilliantly constructed by our founders that it works best when the government can be prevented from doing the bidding of all scoundrels and other political ner-do-wells. As of this writing, the opposition party has wrestled control of the House of Representatives from the Democrats. The control of the Senate is still in doubt, but in many ways it no longer matters. The Biden agenda has been brought to a standstill for the next two years. Many pundits this evening, and perhaps many citizens, fear that ‘gridlock’ will have a deleterious effect on our nation.


Actually the opposite is true, because of the Constitution. While wild proposals are now no longer a possibility, to move legislation forward will mandate that all political forces must work together for the betterment of the nation.


So while the media class spew forth vitriol about winners and losers, we ask you to consider the intent of the United States Constitution.


To wit:


Nobody ‘lost’. What happened is that ineffective temporary employees of the American electorate got fired for doing a bad job.

In the real world, that happens every day.

There were no election ‘winners’. All that happened is America hired some new temporary employees, who learned just how tenuous their jobs can be if they fail to perform to the best of their abilities.

That, also, happens every day in the real world.


The election did demonstrate that there needs to be a continuing evolution on the election process as a whole. The voter machine failures in Arizona is an excellent example of election incompetence. The officials KNEW the election was coming, and they only needed the machines to work ONE day of the annual 365.


America deserves, and must demand, better. We hope the new temps can handle it.


So as Americans return to their daily lives, please feel free to ignore the imbeciles of the media who will try to ‘analyze’ the results and determine hoe those results differed from the polls. It’s always best to ignore the solipsistic and the stupid.


The only poll that matters, the only poll that should interest anybody, was the poll that happened last night.


On THAT point, the real winners were the American people and once again, the founders and framers.


God Bless America.

Land That We Love.

Home Of The Free BECAUSE Of The Brave.

Veterans Day is Friday. Remember to hug a Vet. Their service insured Election Day can happen.


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