Saturday, November 5, 2022

Final Score: United States Constitution 1, President Biden 0

The cure for the evils of democracy is more democracy!


H. L. Mencken, Notes on Democracy, 1926


{ed. Note – this post is a defense of the Constitution, NOT an attack on President Biden. Given his recent comments, we felt it imperative to address those comments before election day}



The  founders and framers of the United States Constitution had a firm understanding on the functions of government, and a keen insight into the foibles and greed of the human psyche. The Constitution was designed to protect their fledgling nation from the weaknesses of men.

In short, they anticipated that at some point a President would be either so inept or so lustful of power the American people would need to rely on the Constitution to preserve their inalienable rights, the rights the framers believed came from God, not from man.

Since President George Washington took the oath of office on Tuesday, April 30th, 1789, the nation has been safe from despots and egos of autocrats.

Then Joe Biden became President.

Biden, unlike his 45 predecessors, has not just tried to push the limits of Executive Branch power, he has demonstrated outright contempt for any constitutional limitations of his authority.

His latest salvo against the Constitution has been his imbecilic statements that we ‘can afford’ to forgive student loan debt. The cold hard constitutional truth is that he does NOT have the executive authority to set aside a legal contract, nor does he have the right to spend money by presidential fiat. All government spending must begin in the Legislative Branch. This is not an opinion, it is fact, a reality Biden refuses to acknowledge.

The framers purposely separated powers between the three EQUAL branches of American government.

(forgive us this, but Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer is on record as saying the three branches of government are the White House, the House of Representatives and the Senate.  Has this idiot ever even READ the Constitution?)

The framers intent was to force principled compromise in pursuit of what was best for the nation. They established the Judicial Branch in order to provide a bulwark against one branch attempting to usurp authority over the other.

To understand how successful leaders come to be so is simple: work with those you must and convince them your decisions are sound and just.


In Biden’s recent speeches and rallies he has spoken clearly of the following:


The Judicial Branch

By returning the decisions on abortion to the states, where it ALWAYS belonged, the Supreme Court,  according to the nations chief executive, has overturned a law and taken away ‘fundamental constitutional rights’.

This level of ignorance is both breathtaking and inexcusable. The Supreme Court overturned a RULING called Roe V. Wade. It was NEVER a law, and NEVER a constitutionally protected right. The political left, abetted by Biden, has made the Court’s ruling a battle cry that ‘democracy is under assault’. Led by our cognitively challenged figurehead, the solution is simple: pack the court with a sufficient number of judicial pawns who will do as directed by the left, NOT what is contained within the Constitution and the law.

Utter nonsense, fabrication and lie.



The Electorate

Biden has clearly spoken on his belief that ‘Mega-MAGA’are the purveyors of political violence and must be treated as anarchists.  The only individual ever identified is former president Donald J. Trump, but surely the 75+ million who voted against Biden must be included amongst those who are a tangible threat to Biden and his control over the citizenry. His continuing use of Covid mandates demonstrates his need for control over those whom he despises.  If Joe is not in power, he claims, America will be overrun by hoards of marauding January 6th insurrectionists. The political left supports this nonsense, as demonstrated by Rep. James Clyburn. Clyburn stated that he sees America barreling toward a fate similar to Germany in the 1930’s. If the Democrats are ousted from power, its Nazi’s and fascism.


Understand their point. Give them unchecked power or else suffer the consequences. We implore anyone to find  any other United States president who threatened the electorate.

Spoiler alert: You can’t because it has NEVER happened.


THAT is the power of the Constitution.


The Power of The Executive Branch


Two quick points on subjects we will cover in future posts.

The Biden Department of Justice has explained that parents who object at school board meetings need to be classified as ‘domestic terrorists.’

In other words, they are deemed ‘threats to democracy.’

It does seem there is an alarming trend on how the Biden administration views the American electorate.

In addition, Biden has proudly noted that he has signed legislation authorizing the hiring of more than 86,000 additional IRS agents. No doubt they will be focusing on those Americans who pose a ‘threat to democracy.’ As an aside, the Border Patrol, assigned to protect America and her borders, currently number less than 20,000 in total. Biden’s funding seem very clear as to his governing priorities.


Lastly, the greatest focus of Joe’s ire is foisted upon


Any Elected Official Who Expressed Independent Thought


Biden has left no ambiguity in declaring his disgust for any politicians who gives voice to their own opinion, unless it matches exactly with Biden dogma. Any opposition is labelled as ‘divisive voices’, ‘un-American propoganda’, or the person in question is ‘a puppet of Putin.’ These comments are directed at Americans, people who disagree on policy. The coward-in-chief seems fine with equating them to the basest members of humanity.

He wants to slanderAmericans who have been elected by a majority of their fellow citizens, as…wait for it…a THREAT TO DEMOCRACY.


Were it not so horrific in its intent, it would play as comedic farce.


Which is why the framers and founders constructed our Constitution as they did, specifically to protect us from vile leaders such as Biden.


Please consider how we defined leadership above.


Biden has alienated the impartial judiciary, the American people themselves , and the leading opposition party, who, as of today, have an opportunity to win a majority in one half of the Legislative branch. That reality will have the effect of stalling the Biden agenda of hate.


The wisdom of the founding fathers continues to amaze, and to keep America safe.


If you would enjoy frustrating Joe Biden, we would ask all eligible voters to go out and cast their support of the United States Constitution.


As a reward, stop off after voting and hoist a chocolate shake to honor James Madison and his unabashed band of patriots.








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