Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Congratulations. Now Shut Up And Do Your Job! - A Commentary


The cure for the evils of democracy is more democracy!


H. L. Mencken, Notes on Democracy, 1926



The balance of power debate brought about by the 2022 election has been settled, decided, and resolved. The political class has now turned their blather to discussions of the 2024 presidential elections. Their insipid and bellicose vitriol will be amplified and repeated ad nauseum now that former President Donald Trump has announced his intention to seek another term as president. The American people will be ill-served by their employees if this nonsense is allowed to move forth.


To that point, the Madison Conservative would like to make a few salient points on the 2024 elections that we believe are actually more important to the electorate than the wagering on the Iowa primaries.


To wit, and in no particular order.


- We still need to have the 2023 elections first. As we have implored the citizenry before to understand, EVERY election is important, whether or not the media and the political class – of all political philosophies – feel they are not as ‘sexy’ as the elections they unilaterally decide have some more merit than others.


- Now that the 118th Congress has been elected, there is the minor inconvenience of actual governing that must be addressed, and done BEFORE the partisan posturing for 2024 begins.


We offer the following as a guide the new Congress should follow as they begin their new temp job. We believe it is the greatest descriptor of the true role of government ever expressed.



We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.


With all sincere and due respects to certain members of our readership who would prefer we abstain from coarse language, we think the Preamble is DAMN sexy.


We understand that many members of Congress have not had the time, inclination or mental acuity to read and understand the Preamble, let alone ALL of the United States Constitution, so as a public service as part of the congressional onboarding process, we will provide proper annotations.  Consider it a primer, a Preamble For Dummies, as it were.


We the People - The people who have hired yo, the people for whom you work, and the people who can fire you. The American people do not serve YOU. WE are profit, YOU are overhead. Any business will tell you that in order to succeed, you maximize profits and minimize the overhead. Therein is your new reality and the paradigm under which you will work.

 in Order to form a more perfect Union – Nobody has ever claimed America was perfect. What we DO claim is that we understand we are a work in progress. We are all in pursuit of providing equal OPPORTUNITY to prosper. If you try to force a specific OUTCOME, you have bastardized the goal of a free people. Any elected official who tries to pit one American against another American, is not working to form a more perfect union. You are an embarrassing hack looking to secure your position. Follow that path and you will quickly be looking for a new job, no doubt using your aptitudes to clean up the bodily wastes adorning many American city sidewalks.


establish Justice – crime is sweeping America because of so-called justice reform. The only efforts have been to aid criminals in becoming crime recidivists. Require officials who have sworn to uphold the law to do just that. If you fail to do so, what rationale would you give to a mother who’s child has been shoved in front of a subway train? It is a simple equation that Americans have depended on. “Do the crime, do the time.” The basics always work.


 insure domestic Tranquility – any citizen or group of citizens who riot under any circumstance need to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Americans have a right to feel safe and secure walking down the street. If you fail to do so, as noted above, be prepare to clean those streets yourself.


provide for the common defence – the purpose of a military is to kill people and break things. Esprit de corps is a real thing. Support our armed forces by providing them what they need ir order to fulfill the missions they are give. Currently China is adding to their military weaponry while Joe Biden has our military focusing on the proper use of gender-neutral and affirming pronouns. Please restore our defense priorities as soon as you’re done taking your oath of office.


promote the general Welfare – spoiler alert: this does NOT mean getting the people to survive by the good graces of the government. This does NOT mean taking money from one group to buy votes from another. This DOES mean stop printing money we don’t have to avoid doing your job. It DOES mean having an economic policy that is supported by energy independence. America has no need to grovel to dictators to provide energy to America. Stop the Biden madness of declaring war on the energy industry. It will begin to ease the inflation rate, allowing Americans to balance their household budgets without needing to secure a fifth mortgage on their homes.


and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity – saddling our posterity with a 30 trillion-dollar debt, restricting free speech because you disagree with it, bankrupting families with psychotic tax policies, and impeding our children’s education is the opposite of securing liberty. As an aside, to the education point,  those in charge of public schools for the last half century have said they were focused on teaching our children the 3 ‘R’s.  That should have been a tip-off of their intent. The  truth is that they should have been teaching 1 R, 1 W, and 1 A.  I have confidence you’ll figure that out. If you can’t, best of luck in your new job. You’ll need it.


do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Please note the founders and framers did not mention anywhere that their Constitution was for only those of a specific political party. It was intended for ALL Americans.

The election posturing is over. No more callind fellow citizens Nazi’s, racists, or any other pejorative.  The American people have called it a draw. The first imbecile who hurls an epithet for effect will be held accountable.


Follow the Constitution and be part of the crowd that is damn sexy.

Otherwise, enjoy being an unemployed damn fool.








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