Wednesday, May 24, 2023

One More Command


The cure for the evils of democracy is more democracy!


H. L. Mencken, Notes on Democracy, 1926



Memorial Day is when we remember those of our fellow Americans who gave the ultimate sacrifice in defense of the greatest nation the world has ever known.  

Despite the Biden administrations published belief, it is NOT merely a “long holiday weekend.”

It is much more, and this is a perfect time to speak to that fact.

There is an alarming trend occurring within the military that seems to garner little media coverage.  The issue is concerning the rise of active military and veteran suicides.

The silence of the Commnder-in-Chief is understandable, given Joe Biden is a coward. That is not rhetoric or hyperbole. What other term describes a President who turned and ran in the face of the enemy, and who scarified 13 military personnel? How else to describe a President who abandoned Americans behind enemy lines and then told the world he oversaw the greatest evacuation in history?

It is painfully obvious Biden is not equipped to issue the necessary orders to address the suicide heartbreak.

The Madison Conservative, an organization with proud veteran bona fides, will do what Biden cannot and will not do.


To wit:


To ALL Military Personnel, active and Veterans,  you are hereby ordered to:


Take care of yourselves.

We can address the visible physical injuries, as that is America’s promise to you. We stand ready to keep that sacred pact with you. You have stood tall and took a watch to defend this nation. Your honor and heroism is without question and is in the highest traditions of the word ‘Patriot.’.

There are sadly, some wounds that you must express to us, as they remain invisible.

Nobody can fully understand the trials and traumas many of our service men and women suffer, even if we have stood where you are. The experiences you have had are as individual as is each life. There is no ‘sliding scale’ of mental wellness. The argument that you may have had it better or worse than a brother or sister in arms is a false equivalency.

The issue, and concerns, are about YOU, and you alone. It is not about demonstrating weakness by asking for help. You have already clearly demonstrated your strength simply by the act of military service. You are in the class of those called ‘brave.’

You MUST understand that the United States endures because of your sacrifices. America needs YOU, your example of leadership, of defending those who cannot defend themselves. YOU are the real ambassadors of democracy, not an imbecilic bureaucrat who says highways are racist.

America needs YOU to be the beacons of light you have proven you are.

Please note none of this is a request. Consider it an order from a brother vet.



To my fellow citizens, you have your part to do as well. And this too is not a request or even a suggestion.

It is a demand.

Everybody know either a vet or active duty member of the armed forces. They put their lives on the line because of their sense of duty. The least you can do is find some time to check-in with them, and then just listen. If you hear they need something, make sure you do what you can to aide in that request. You could offer to sit on the phone for them while they seek help from the VA. It’s not an issue of cost, it’s a matter of principle.

We cannot afford to lose anyone in the military to suicide.

Remember this: They sacrificed their yesterdays to secure your tomorrows.

Preventing suicide is a debt you must pay.

This Memorial Day, make the effort.

God bless our military, past and present.

God Bless America!




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