Sunday, July 2, 2023

The Drumhead Trials of Bidenville


The cure for the evils of democracy is more democracy!


H. L. Mencken, Notes on Democracy, 1926


Ed. note: Before delving into the specific topic at hand, we believe it is imperative to make this point crystal clear:

America has been through topsy-turvy times before, been led astray by special interests and dark forces before, and without fail we have shaken them off and emerged stronger and with a greater clarity of purpose as a nation. The surest way to get to that point is to give voice to, and shine a light on, any given absurdity. As credited to founding father Stephen Hopkins, the Madison Conservative has “never heard any damn thing too dangerous to talk about!”

And so…


There have been times in our history where there used to be what were termed “ drumhead court-martials” established and sanctioned by the military to address battlefield justice. They were merely a formality to provide the illusion of justice. There were no rights of the accused to consider and certainly none of the legal protections enshrined in the United States Constitution for the defendant.

Th accused came before the drumhead and summary judgement was given, followed swiftly by punishment. In many cases, execution was swift.

These trials were considered acceptable given both the fog of war and the need for maintaining military discipline.

In short, this is what the political left today, led by the coward-in-chief and his fully corrupted Department of Justice, helmed by Attorney General Merrick Garland. As you read the following facts, never forget that Garland was nominated by President Obama for an appointment to the Supreme Court, and that Biden’s nominee was unable to define the term ‘woman’ during her Senate confirmation hearings. These are but two examples of what the political left think of American jurisprudence.

         In the wake of this weeks Supreme Court rulings, the demented coward-in-chief again took aim at the United States Constitution by declaring the Court was not ‘normal’. The sycophantic stenographic imbecilic media echoed his sentiments. Given those concerned are simply too stupid to read either the Constitution, let alone the actual decisions, The Madison Conservative will do our best to demonstrate the ignorance, racism and hatred of the political left.

         Consider the vile nature of Biden’s approach to the Court and abandonment of ‘justice for all’:

         After any mass shooting, the Democrats demand tougher gun laws to curb the violence. Fine. Hunter Biden violates FEDERAL law in his procuring a firearm, and receives probation. All the media says is that it was a political prosecution and that he is a recovering addict who needs to be ‘understood’. Sadly, the prisons are full of Americans who committed the same crime but whose fathers are not President.

The human debris that are Chuck Schumer and Maxine Waters threaten the Supreme Court and the Trump administration respectively and are heralded as heroes. Donald Trump exhorts a crown to peaceably protest and he is impeached and now threatened with prison.


         Parents voice their concerns about their children’s education and Garland, liar and punk that he is, unleashes his Department of Justice on those parents on the guise of them being “domestic TERRORISTS.” Welcome to the dystopian America that is Bidenville. We began to assemble a compendium of Garlands transgressions but there are only 168 hours in a week.


Now to the reality of the Court rulings that Biden has deemed un-American .


In no particular order:


The “Anti-LGBTQ+ Ruling that makes America unsafe for that community.”


If you sell a predetermined product, you must sell it to any consumer. That is fair and just. What the court ruled is if you personalize, or custom create that product, the freedom of speech affords you the right to decline using that skill for any reason you choose. This case was regarding a web-designer who did not wish to use her design skills in support of gay marriage. The issue has absolutely nothing to do with the LGBTQ community. Nothing at all. It DOES have to do with the freedom of speech. The Court ruled that an individual has the right to say NO, that they cannot be forced to do what the majority may wish. Chalk up a win for the Constitution, despite what the idiot President says.


         The Affirmative Action decision. This one is painfully easy to explain. College applicants should be judge on their merit, the content of their character, NOT the color of their skin.


         The Student Loan decision: We will try to use small words, given the average intelligence of the woke left borders on that of a rock. The Court did NOT rule on the merits on the argument about loan forgiveness. Again, that was NOT the ruling. What the Court said was that Meandering Joe did NOT HAVE THE AUTHORITY to forgive debt. That right lies in the LEGISLATIVE branch. It is telling that when the Democrats held power they never acted on it. Joe knowingly lied when he made his promise, and now he says that ‘extreme MAGA Republicans’ want to cripple Americans with debt they agreed to repay. The Madison Conservative chuckles loudly when scoundrels like Biden makes the claim that during Covid, businesses were given loan forgiveness because again those nasty Republicans wanted to help out their pals.

No, you lying sack of dirt. Those monies were voted on and passed by Congress, as delineated by the separation of powers in the Constitution. The only parties acting not normal, un-American, and unconstitutionally was the mentally impaired leader of the woke.


         Regular readers of this blog may have noted that there have been an inordinate number of ad hominin attacks used for this post. It was very much intentional. As we noted at the outset, America always emerges stronger after the crazies are voted out. How else to explain the ability to demean our political leaders without fear of disappearing in the night, which happens pretty much everywhere else on the planet.


We will return to our regular civility moving forward.


Game, set and match to the founding fathers and the brilliance they bestowed upon us in the United States Constitution.  





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