Sunday, November 5, 2023

The Madison Conservative 2023 Platform - Balancing The Scales of The Department Of Justice


The cure for the evils of democracy is more democracy!


H. L. Mencken, Notes on Democracy, 1926


There seems to be a misconception about the Department of Justice. It is not a part of the framers and founders construct for a functioning government. It was established in 1870 by President Grant. The position of Attorney General, intended as a part time position, is a constitutional mandate, but like most political creations, the Department has become grotesquely overblown and taken on too much governmental power. The nation should have become concerned and reigned in the DOJ after the blatant excesses of the F.B.I. under J. Edgar Hoover were exposed. Sadly, those transgressions were ignored and the DOJ grew in size and scope, under the guise of “protecting the American people.”

As with most everything he has touched, Joe Biden has allowed the DOJ to persecute and prosecute American citizens with whom he politically disagrees.

He has allowed the DOJ to harass parents at school board meetings, under the umbrella of their being “domestic terrorists.” The same fate has befallen Catholics who attend Latin Mass, also because such people follow the profile of those same “terrorists”.

The list of Americans terrorized by Biden grows daily. As the leader of the political left, his is a diseased mentality concerning the process of ‘justice’. The persecution of Donald Trump should nauseate every American. A simple reading of the indictments should shake democracy to its core.

Whether you support or despise him, Trump is being threatened with the loss of his rights and his freedom. If Biden is successful with his assault on fundamental Constitutional rights, believe that average citizens who dare think for themselves are the next targets of Biden’s sense of justice.

Certainly, if Trump committed crimes, he should be held to account.  In the face of what has been proffered so far, Trump is as guilty as your grandma.

The question now becomes what is the solution for a legal system run amok?


Dismantle its operational structure. Recent history is replete with stories of political prosecutions. Biden and the other cowards of the political left have elevated the process to a staggering art form and so it must be taken away from them.

Our proposal.

Make the Department of Justice operate under the auspices of the Judicial Branch, thereby keeping it out of the clutches of both the White House and the Congress. The DOJ Director can be nominated by the President, but must reach a consensus vote threshold of 66% by both the House and the Senate. The Director may serve for only one term, not to exceed seven years.

This proposal has been met with complaints that it is too onerous and has too high a threshold to reach.


Exactly. The founders and framers created a legislative process that is absolutely onerous and difficult to manage. That was their intention and their wisdom.

We believe the Justice Department should operate the same way.

Removing Lady Justice from political opportunists like Joe Biden is the strongest guarantee that she will fulfill the trust and belief that all participants who may come before her will be met with fairness and equality under the law.

Failure to do so will result in bringing fear to all Americans who Biden thinks have it ‘wrong’.

Sadly, it’s the President who has it wrong.


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